YouTube Called Out for Abortion Bias

“I’m so glad law enforcement is calling out YouTube for its obvious pro-abortion bias against pro-life videos,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Attitudes on Sex Determine Abortion Attitudes

Society’s attitudes on sex really are the determining factor on our attitudes on abortion. We need a big-time change.

Ohio Abortion Benefits the Ruling Class

The heartbreaking yet understandable result about the Ohio Abortion serves the ruling class and furthers the sexual state.

Britney Spears’ Abortion Regret Sad but Not Surprising

Britney Spears recently revealed in her book that she regretted her abortion, which Justin Timberlake pressured her to get.

YouTube censors Ruth Institute interview clip about link between abortion, breast cancer

By Jean Mondoro June 21, 2023 ‘YouTube doesn’t want the public to know about the abortion-breast cancer link, so it shuts down any discussion of the matter, under the guise of protecting the public from ‘misinformation.’ How convenient,’ Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse said. (LifeSiteNews) — A pro-life organization has been censored once again on YouTube […]

Healing Abortion Trauma

Even though the medical agencies ignore the trauma of abortion, Lisa Rowe talks about healing abortion trauma.

Left Wants to Restrict Every Activity Except Abortion and Sex

The Sexual Revolutionaries are stuck in the 1960’s and can only offer today’s culture with its problems the opium of free sex and abortion.

Listen Closely to Pop Singer’s Heartfelt Testimony: Abortion Regret Is Real

COMMENTARY: To love and to be loved is at the heart of what it means to be human. Kaya Jones found out, the sexual revolution assures us that ‘love is love,’ all the while rewriting the real meaning of lifelong, self-giving love. By Jennifer Roback Morse at NCRegister. “Kaya Jones, a former singer for The Pussycat […]

Abortion Risks The Mother And Baby

Dr. Jennifer Morse and Dr. Donna Harrison of AAPLOG discuss how abortion risks the mother and baby and how the Hippocratic Oath protects both.

Showing Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Earns YouTube Censorship

Highlighting the Abortion and Breast Cancer link earns censorship for the pro-family Ruth Institute by tech overlord, YouTube.

Abortion Pill Reversal – Christa Brown

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Maria Miravalle, spiritual director for Cornerstone of Hope, and discusses how she helps grieving persons.

What Keeps Abortion Below 5%?

The Ruth Institute asks… what keeps Add Your Heading Text Here abortion Below ? The life and marriage issues are connected by a simple question: Where do babies come from? THE BATTLE FOR MARRIAGE HOLDS THE KEY TO THE BATTLE FOR LIFE Magical thinking about sex I am often invited to talk about abortion, though […]

Roe Reversal Marks New Stage in Abortion Struggle


Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse issues a public statement recognizing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn of the abortion case, Roe v. Wade.

The Sexual Revolution Needs Abortion

Sexual revolution and abortion

The Sexual Revolution needs abortion in order to continue existing, a travesty we hope that the court will remedy.

U.S. Tries to Force Abortion on Dominican Republic

U.S. tries to force abortion on Dominican Republic

March 3, 2022 U.S. Tries to Force Abortion on Dominican Republic “’Progressives’ say the U.S. shouldn’t force its values on developing nations,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., “but now the Biden Administration is trying to force other nations to change their abortion laws and to accommodate homosexuality.” Catholic Bishop Victor Masalles […]

People with Health Problems due to Hook-ups, Contraception or Abortion

There are no health risks associated with casual sex. All you have to do is use a condom every time. If you have health problems, it is your own fault. There are no health risks associated with abortion: as long as abortion is legal, abortion is safe. There are no health risks associated with contraception, […]

National Men’s March to End Abortion

Men’s March to End Abortion: Monday, November 15, 2021, Baltimore, MD. 11am-2pm

The Breast Cancer Abortion Link is Real

Abortion Breast Cancer Link is Real

“October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but one thing the medical establishment doesn’t want women to be aware of is the abortion/breast cancer (ABC) link,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., President of the Ruth Institute. On a recent episode of the Dr. J Show, Dr. Morse interviewed Dr. Joel Brind, a medical researcher with […]

Studies prove covered-up Abortion Breast Cancer link

Dr. Joel Brind, Ph.D. has been a Professor of Biology and Endocrinology at Baruch College of the City University of New York for 28 years and a medical research biochemist since 1981. Long specializing in steroid biosynthesis and metabolism and endocrine-related cancers, his research has exposed the causal connection between abortion and breast cancer. Ostracized […]

Dating Apps Support Abortion–Big Surprise, Says Ruth Inst.

Several Texas-based dating apps will oppose the state’s new heartbeat law, which bans abortions as early as six weeks. “I’m disappointed, but not surprised at the stance and others have taken,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Pro-Abortion/LGBTQ Groups Boast of Getting LifeSite News Banned by Facebook

May 19, 2021 For Immediate Release For More Information:  Pro-Abortion/LGBTQ Groups Boast of Getting LifeSite News Banned by Facebook Commenting on the news that Sexual Revolutionaries are bragging about getting LifeSiteNews banned by Facebook, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “Now we know who decides on Facebook’s ‘community standards’: the National […]


      THE VIEW FROM SINAI – A JEWISH PERSPECTIVE ON ABORTION A speech by Don Feder to the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum’s Virtual Life Symposium, at the Catholic University of East Africa in Nairobi, March 23, 2021  Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored to once again address an event sponsored by the Kenya […]

We Need to Look At What Happens to Society After Abortion

Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, founded in 1980 by his father, veteran pro-life leader Joe Scheidler. The League recruits, equips and trains pro-life Americans to put their convictions into action at the grassroots level through peaceful direct action. Under Eric’s leadership, the League’s headquarters city of Chicago has become “ground zero” for pro-life activism nationally. Take part in the Pro-Life Action League’s event on Good Friday, April 2, the Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion. This is an annual nationwide prayer vigil and a "springtime rebirth&quot, of the national public witness against abortion as the pandemic recedes. Readings &amp, Resources Pro-Life Action League: Joe Scheidler’s memoir, Racketeer for Life: Fighting the Culture of Death from the Sidewalk to the Supreme Court at handbook: Sharing the Pro-Life Message at Dr J Shows on the sanctity of human life: Youtube playlist

AUDIO: We Need to Look At What Happens to Society After Abortion

Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, founded in 1980 by his father, veteran pro-life leader Joe Scheidler. The League recruits, equips and trains pro-life Americans to put their convictions into action at the grassroots level through peaceful direct action. Under Eric’s leadership, the League’s headquarters city of Chicago has become “ground zero” for pro-life activism nationally. Take part in the Pro-Life Action League’s event on Good Friday, April 2, the Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion. This is an annual nationwide prayer vigil and a "springtime rebirth&quot, of the national public witness against abortion as the pandemic recedes. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings &amp, Resources Pro-Life Action League: Joe Scheidler’s memoir, Racketeer for Life: Fighting the Culture of Death from the Sidewalk to the Supreme Court at handbook: Sharing the Pro-Life Message at Dr J Shows on the sanctity of human life: Youtube playlist

The World Health Organization Abortion Problem

The World Health Organization, which should ostensibly be increasing health worldwide, seems to have forgotten that abortion is the antithesis of healthcare. The WHO said, in a 2012 publication, that 47,000 die from “unsafe” abortions worldwide annually. Clearly, they’re referring to the women for whom the abortions are performed. The actual number of deaths, however, is at least twice what is being reported. For every mother who dies in an abortion, there is at least one child who also dies. Instead of 47,000, a minimum of 94,000 women and children die every year.

AUDIO: Forced Abortions Really Happen. Why Do We Never Hear About Them?

Attorney Catherine Glenn Foster serves as President and CEO of Americans United for Life. AUL’s legal strategists have been involved in every pro-life case before the U.S. Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade. Under Foster’s leadership, AUL pursues and refines a mother-child strategy that looks at the interests and vulnerabilities of both, protecting them from abortion industry abuses. Foster has litigated precedent-setting constitutional questions, abortion and maternal health, health and safety regulations, euthanasia and assisted suicide, denial of medical care, First Amendment rights, genetic engineering issues, the Freedom of Information Act, and more. Foster has testified before and advised the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Select Investigative Panel and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, and other federal and state bodies and representatives. She and her award-winning work have appeared extensively in national media. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. Foster spent seven years as litigation counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She then founded a law practice focusing on respect for the sanctity of innocent human life. She also led Euthanasia Prevention Coalition USA as Executive Director. Foster serves on the boards of And Then There Were None, Christian Legal Society D.C. Metro Chapter, and Rockville Women’s Center, as well as on the advisory board of the Center for Bioethics &amp, Human Dignity. Foster earned her J.D. at Georgetown University Law Center and also holds an M.A. in French from the University of South Florida, and a B.A. in History and French from Berry College. Foster is admitted to the bar in Virginia and Washington D.C., as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 1st, 5th, 8th, and 9th Circuits, and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. She is an inaugural member of the Feder

Forced Abortions Really Happen. Why Do We Never Hear About Them?

Attorney Catherine Glenn Foster serves as President and CEO of Americans United for Life. AUL’s legal strategists have been involved in every pro-life case before the U.S. Supreme Court since Roe v. Wade. Under Foster’s leadership, AUL pursues and refines a mother-child strategy that looks at the interests and vulnerabilities of both, protecting them from abortion industry abuses. Foster has litigated precedent-setting constitutional questions, abortion and maternal health, health and safety regulations, euthanasia and assisted suicide, denial of medical care, First Amendment rights, genetic engineering issues, the Freedom of Information Act, and more. Foster has testified before and advised the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce Select Investigative Panel and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, and other federal and state bodies and representatives. She and her award-winning work have appeared extensively in national media. Foster spent seven years as litigation counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom. She then founded a law practice focusing on respect for the sanctity of innocent human life. She also led Euthanasia Prevention Coalition USA as Executive Director. Foster serves on the boards of And Then There Were None, Christian Legal Society D.C. Metro Chapter, and Rockville Women’s Center, as well as on the advisory board of the Center for Bioethics &amp, Human Dignity. Foster earned her J.D. at Georgetown University Law Center and also holds an M.A. in French from the University of South Florida, and a B.A. in History and French from Berry College. Foster is admitted to the bar in Virginia and Washington D.C., as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the 1st, 5th, 8th, and 9th Circuits, and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. She is an inaugural member of the Federalist Society Founders Club, Senior Fellow in Legal Policy at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, and a fellow with the James

The UN is Forcing Abortion on Africa, but They Don’t Want It

Dr Wahome Ngare is a member of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, which blew the whistle in 2014 on a World Health Organization vaccine which was secretly laced with abortifacient and sterilization drugs. Their medical investigation shows that W.H.O. researchers conjugated tetanus toxoid with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine. W.H.O. publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries.” Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.” – Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger “At the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth, and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg The Kenyan Ministry of Health has been corrupted by Western NGOs: Topics discussed in this Dr J Show include: Kenya does not have a "population problem&quot, the Constitution of Kenya specifically states life begins at conception, and every person has the right to life. Article 26 states abortion is legal if a doctor says the mother’s treatment or life or health is in danger. As with Roe v Wade, the word "health&quot, is defined so broadly (depression, stress, etc.) that abortion on demand for any reason can be obtained. If the law is going to consider the right of "choice,&quot, both mother &amp, child have this right. Any society that considers itself moral would fight for the person with less power, namely the more vulnerable preborn person. Pro-aborts scare women into believing the lie that abortion is safer than pregnancy. The truth is, maternal mortality is rare, almost zero. In countries with legal abortion, 99% or more are elective, killing healthy babies. NGOs (non-government organizations), often from the

AUDIO: The UN is Forcing Abortion on Africa, but They Don’t Want It

Dr Wahome Ngare is a member of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, which blew the whistle in 2014 on a World Health Organization vaccine which was secretly laced with abortifacient and sterilization drugs. Their medical investigation shows that W.H.O. researchers conjugated tetanus toxoid with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine. W.H.O. publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries.” Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. “Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.” – Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger “At the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth, and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings and resources below cut. Topics discussed in this Dr J Show include: Kenya does not have a "population problem&quot, the Constitution of Kenya specifically states life begins at conception, and every person has the right to life. Article 26 states abortion is legal if a doctor says the mother’s treatment or life or health is in danger. As with Roe v Wade, the word "health&quot, is defined so broadly (depression, stress, etc.) that abortion on demand for any reason can be obtained. If the law is going to consider the right of "choice,&quot, both mother &amp, child have this right. Any society that considers itself moral would fight for the person with less power, namely the more vulnerable preborn person. Pro-aborts scare women into believing the lie that abortion is safer than pregnancy. The truth is, maternal mortality is rare, almost zero. In countries with legal abortion, 99% or more are elective, killing healthy babies. NGOs (non-government organizations), often from the U.S., push abortion in foreign countries around the world. They tie com

100 Years of Legalized Abortion: LA Catholic Morning

(November 25, 2020) Dr J is once again a guest of Todd Sylvestri, Ellen Taylor, and Mike Romano on LA Catholic Morning. This week marked the 100-year anniversary of legalized abortion (first practiced in the Soviet Union). Millions and millions of casualties have been the result, as well as some corollary ideas and policies. Listen

100 Years of Legal Abortion: Happy ‘Birthday,’ Subhumanism

Our thanks to these authors for the mention and for calling us “One of the best comprehensive pro-life organizations around”! By Jason Jones & John Zmirak Published on November 18, 2020, at The Stream. November 18 marks a powerful anniversary. In 1920, the newly-hatched dragon that was the Soviet Union legalized abortion. That made it […]

November 1920-2020: A Century of Abortion in Russia

A shout-out to our friend Paul Kengor, with a thank you for mentioning us in your fine article! By the 1970s, the USSR was averaging 7-8 million abortions per year. To this day, the countries with the highest abortion rates remain communist or recently communist: Russia, Cuba, Romania, Vietnam, China. By Dr. Paul Kengor This […]

100th Anniversary of Abortion: Driving Home the Faith

(November 19, 2020) Dr J is once again a guest of Fr. Rob Jack on Sacred Heart Radio’s Driving Home the Faith. This week marked the 100-year anniversary of legalized abortion (first practiced in the Soviet Union). Millions and millions of casualties have been the result, far more than any of our wars. Listen

100 Years of Abortion: The Catholic Current

(November 18, 2020) Dr J is a guest of Father Robert McTeigue on The Station of the Cross’s The Catholic Current. Today–November 18–is the 100-year anniversary of legalized abortion worldwide (it first became legal in the Soviet Union). What else must you believe if you take "abortion as a human right&quot, as an axiom? Dr J and Father McTeigue follow the plot lines. Listen

Wednesday Marks 100th Anniversary of Legalized Abortion Worldwide

“On November 18, 1920, Soviet Russia became the first country to legalize abortion,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., founder and president of The Ruth Institute. “It’s not surprising that a totalitarian state pioneered legalized abortion. Just as communism violates human rights on a massive scale, abortion denies the most fundamental of rights – the […]

Kenya Threatened by Cultural Colonialism in Abortion Bill

“Despite a recent poll showing 85% of Kenyan citizens support the right to life, international NGOs are pushing a new abortion bill, which would override the will of the people,” said Ruth Institute Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. The deceptively named Reproductive Healthcare Bill is currently before the Kenyan Parliament. Morse noted: […]

Dr. J Show Explores Abortion Breast Cancer Link

“Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we chose to focus on the abortion breast cancer link,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, MD, has spent decades documenting the ABC link.

Abortion Causes Breast Cancer: the ABC Link

Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a breast cancer surgeon who practiced 33 years in New Jersey (1984-2017). A graduate of Georgetown School of Medicine, she is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and certified by the American Board of Surgery. She was surgical co-director of the Sanofi Breast Care Center at the Steeplechase Cancer Center in Somerville, New Jersey for 10 years. Dr Lanfranchi is co-founder and president of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute,, a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable corporation that has as its mission to educate lay and professional communities in the methods of risk reduction and prevention of breast cancer through research, publications, and lectures. She was named a Castle Connelly Medical Ltd. New Jersey “Top Doc” for Women’s Health in Breast Surgery for the last 10 years she practiced. She is the published author of articles on the physiology and epidemiology of abortion breast cancer and hormonal contraceptive risks and informed consent. In her work with the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute over the past 20 years, she has traveled nationally and internationally to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe, China, Korea, India and South Africa, speaking at medical schools, hospitals, universities, cancer organizations, local and national governmental bodies and the United Nations about breast cancer risks, including its association with induced abortion and hormonal contraceptives. Readings &amp, Resources Dr Lanfranchi’s Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, "Induced abortion as an independent risk factor for breast cancer: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis,&quot, by Dr Joel Brind (1996): Dr Brind explains his research (4 article series): Basics on the ABC link: "The Abortion-Breast Canc

DR J SHOW AUDIO: Abortion Causes Breast Cancer: the ABC Link

Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a breast cancer surgeon who practiced 33 years in New Jersey (1984-2017). A graduate of Georgetown School of Medicine, she is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and certified by the American Board of Surgery. She was surgical co-director of the Sanofi Breast Care Center at the Steeplechase Cancer Center in Somerville, New Jersey for 10 years. Dr Lanfranchi is co-founder and president of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute,, a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable corporation that has as its mission to educate lay and professional communities in the methods of risk reduction and prevention of breast cancer through research, publications, and lectures. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Readings &amp, resources below cut. She was named a Castle Connelly Medical Ltd. New Jersey “Top Doc” for Women’s Health in Breast Surgery for the last 10 years she practiced. She is the published author of articles on the physiology and epidemiology of abortion breast cancer and hormonal contraceptive risks and informed consent. In her work with the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute over the past 20 years, she has traveled nationally and internationally to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Europe, China, Korea, India and South Africa, speaking at medical schools, hospitals, universities, cancer organizations, local and national governmental bodies and the United Nations about breast cancer risks, including its association with induced abortion and hormonal contraceptives. Readings &amp, Resources Dr Lanfranchi’s Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, "Induced abortion as an independent risk factor for breast cancer: a comprehensive review and meta-analysis,&quot, by Dr Joel Brind (1996): Dr Brind explains his research (4 article series):

The Most Difficult Conversation Among Blacks: Walter Hoye talks about Abortion

Walter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, co-founder and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center (providing free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas), a published author (Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out), a board member of The Ruth Institute, a full-time pro-life activist, and a leadership consultant. As a young man Walter played football at Michigan State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sociology in 1980. On Tuesday, January 12th, 1982 Walter was licensed to preach the gospel by the Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego, California. Walter graduated from the United States International University, now Alliant International University, with a Master’s degree in Business Administration in 1983. In 1984, God used the premature birth of his firstborn son (six months, 2.1 pounds) to teach Rev. Hoye that the preborn is a person, a living &amp, breathing human being. On Sunday, April 23rd, 1989 Walter was ordained a Baptist preacher by Pastor Dr. S.M. Lockridge. From 1984 to 1987 Walter served as Minister of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Oceanside, California. From 1987 to 1991, Walter served as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of the Youth Department at the Greater Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, California. From 1991 to 2010, Walter served as the Executive Elder of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley. In May of 2010, Walter resigned to work full-time in the Pro-Life movement. He was asked to join a group of pro-life sidewalk counselors, to pray and give out literature to women on their way to the entrance of an abortuary. His ministry blossomed so much that the abortuary lost a great deal of business, and they complained to the Oakland authorities, who literally created a law just to put Rev. Hoye i

DR J SHOW AUDIO: The Most Difficult Conversation Among Blacks: Walter Hoye talks about Abortion

Walter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, co-founder and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center (providing free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas), a published author (Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out), a board member of The Ruth Institute, a full-time pro-life activist, and a leadership consultant. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. As a young man Walter played football at Michigan State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sociology in 1980. On Tuesday, January 12th, 1982 Walter was licensed to preach the gospel by the Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego, California. Walter graduated from the United States International University, now Alliant International University, with a Master’s degree in Business Administration in 1983. In 1984, God used the premature birth of his firstborn son (six months, 2.1 pounds) to teach Rev. Hoye that the preborn is a person, a living &amp, breathing human being. On Sunday, April 23rd, 1989 Walter was ordained a Baptist preacher by Pastor Dr. S.M. Lockridge. From 1984 to 1987 Walter served as Minister of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Oceanside, California. From 1987 to 1991, Walter served as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of the Youth Department at the Greater Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, California. From 1991 to 2010, Walter served as the Executive Elder of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley. In May of 2010, Walter resigned to work full-time in the Pro-Life movement. He was asked to join a group of pro-life sidewalk counselors, to pray and give out literature to women on their way to the entrance of an abortuary. His ministry blossomed so much that the abortuary lost a great deal of business, and they co

Supreme Court Strikes Down Mildest of Abortion Restrictions

The Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to be within 30 miles of a hospital in case of a botched abortion. “How can the pro-abortion movement, which claims to care about women, oppose something that is for the health and protection of the mother?” asked Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, […]

Ruth Inst. Supports President’s Decision to Defund Pro-Abortion WHO

Communists Favor Abortion and Censorship, Facebook Wants to Censor Pro-life Views

Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., applauds President Trump’s decision to stop funding the World Health Organization, which had been receiving $450 million a year from the United States. Morse noted that the President cited WHO’s gross mishandling of the coronavirus epidemic and subservience to China. “But WHO is also an advocate of […]

The Man Who Exposed Forced Abortion in China a Guest on The Dr. J Show

Steven Mosher, author of Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order, is this week’s guest on The Dr. J Show, the interview program of The Ruth Institute. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD., founder and president of the Ruth Institute, said, “We’re grateful for the opportunity to bring viewers this […]

Ruth Inst. Applauds Appeals Court Decision to Close Abortion Clinics

Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., applauded a federal appeals court decision that allows Texas to stop abortions during the coronavirus pandemic. “The move will conserve scarce medical resources,” Morse said, “and give women who were planning to have an abortion time to rethink that fatal decision.” Both the Surgeon General and the […]

Abortion Clinics Stay Open – Even A Pandemic Must Not Be Allowed to Interfere with the Sexual Revolution

“A death-dealing industry risking the lives of patients and staff to continue operating is the ultimate irony,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “What part of ‘elective” in ‘elective abortion’ do these people not understand?” Both the US Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control have advised healthcare facilities to reschedule […]

"Why I March"–I regret my abortion.

    I had a saline abortion in 1975. This is my witness in front of the Supreme Court. This is the truth. Abortion is a terrible option to offer someone in a crisis pregnancy. I have lived it first hand.   Submitted by Susan.

Are Abortions Being Done on Wanted Children? Father Sullins on the Dr J Show

Father Sullins has released a brand new study about the affect of abortion on wanted pregnancies. This type of abortion almost never gets spoken about, and many will tell you it doesn’t exist. Are wanted children aborted? Why? What happens to the would-be mothers? Learn it all here. Fr Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is senior research associate at the Ruth Institute, and his list of writings stretches past all of our arms. He’s our guest this week to offer insights from his brand new research. Resources Read the article here: Aborting the Wanted Child Sullins analysis / longitudinal study: Affective and Substance Abuse Disorders Following Abortion by Pregnancy Intention in the United States: A Longitudinal Cohort Study Turnaway Study and accompanying Salon article Action Items: Go to the Ruth Institute Facebook Page and share the images about this important research: Facebook album

Are Abortions Being Done on Wanted Children? Father Sullins on the Dr J Show (audio)

Father Sullins has released a brand new study about the affect of abortion on wanted pregnancies. This type of abortion almost never gets spoken about, and many will tell you it doesn’t exist. Are wanted children aborted? Why? What happens to the would-be mothers? Learn it all here. Listen This is an audio podcast of The Dr J Show. Full video episode is available here. Fr Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is senior research associate at the Ruth Institute, and his list of writings stretches past all of our arms. He’s our guest this week to offer insights from his brand new research. Resources Read the article here: Aborting the Wanted Child Sullins analysis / longitudinal study: Affective and Substance Abuse Disorders Following Abortion by Pregnancy Intention in the United States: A Longitudinal Cohort Study Turnaway Study and accompanying Salon article Action Items: Go to the Ruth Institute Facebook Page and share the images about this important research: Facebook album

Marriage Reduces Abortion (plus 10 more reasons to support it!)

(January 23, 2020) Dr J is once again a guest of Michelle McAloon, Ellen Taylor, and Mike Romano on LA Catholic Morning. They’re discussing how marriage protects against abortion and how you can make the family great again. Listen 10 Reasons Your Marriage Matters

What *Really* Happens to Women after an Abortion?

(January 16, 2020) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing several new studies on post-abortion regret, including the Turnaway Study from the University of California that seriously misrepresents its results (Salon article). Fr Sullins’s newest study, on the aftermath of wanted pregnancies that were aborted, is also available. Public Discourse article (with link to Sullins study): Project Rachel: Listen

What does Marriage do to Abortion?

From the San Diego Walk for Life: how important marriage is, where babies come from, and everything you need to know about how family affects abortion.

The Serious Psychological After-Effects of Abortion

(August 1, 2019) Fr Paul Sullins is once again Molly Smith’s guest on Salem Radio’s "From the Median.&quot, Their topic today is the effects of abortion on women, specifically the serious psychological after-effects and the difference in the quality of studies on the subject coming out of America and Europe. Listen

I had an abortion but told my boyfriend that I miscarried.​

Yesterday my boyfriend said to me, “I wish I had a chance to just hold my child as he cried.” And he made it worse by saying, “Before you miscarried when I slept I always heard a baby cry. My child was trying to tell me something, maybe we could have done something to save […]

Jenet Erickson: Abortion’s culture is antithetical to women’s equality

By Jenet Jacob Erickson This article was first published on August 5, 2018, at Deseret News. Once again, Roe v. Wade finds itself at the center of a Supreme Court nomination battle. And regardless of whether Roe v. Wade is ever overturned, there is no question that scientific advancements have “remade” the abortion debate. With ultrasound imagery and innovations in neonatology, a developing fetus is no longer referred to as “a mass of tissue,” even by abortion advocates. Public opinion reflects this change. Strong majorities of Americans, across demographic groups, oppose abortions in the second (65 percent) and third trimesters (81 percent). And even in the first trimester, a majority (53 percent) agrees abortion should be illegal when the woman’s only reason is not wanting to have a child. Whether abortion means terminating a developing life is no longer debated. That is clear. The debate now centers on what abortion means for women. In the face of public support for some abortion restrictions, pro-choice advocates argue, “abandoning abortion rights means abandoning women.” NARAL Pro-Choice America President Ilyse Hogue claims that those who advocate for restrictions on abortion are “not really anti-abortion. … They are against a world where women can contribute equally and chart our own destiny in ways our grandmothers never thought possible.” But Hogue’s claim belies a damaging assumption. One we must take seriously. She assumes that women cannot be equal to men unless they act destructively against their bodies and the developing life they carry. Essentially, women are told that by sacrificing life they can achieve an “equal” life. As Harvard visiting scholar Erika Bacciochi explains, abortion advocacy assumes a “troubling natural inequality” for women because they get pregnant and men do not. Abortion eliminates that difference so women, like men, can enter into sexual relations without commitment, “free” to become, both socially and economically. But to do so, women must act “affirmatively and destructivel

The Truth about Late Term Abortion

First person testimony from a survivor of the late term abortion experience. Please note: this author did NOT actually have an abortion. Her baby had already died, and needed to be removed from her uterus. In the Mother of All Insensitivities (in my opinion) her doctor sent her to an abortion clinic where they specialize […]

Female Supreme Court Justices and a Texas Abortion Law

(July 6, 2016) Dr J is once again Todd Wilkin’s guest on Issues, Etc. They’re discussing the recent Supreme Court decision that struck down requirements that Texas abortion clinics deliver the same standard of medical care as other medical facilities.

Abortion Today: Preterm Birth Tomorrow?

A new metastudy shows increased risks of preterm birth for mothers who have previously had an abortion.    A meta-analysis of 36 international studies involving more than one million women has concluded that abortions are associated with “significantly higher risk” of subsequent premature births, and underweight babies. Prematurity is, in turn, associated with far greater […]

Men and Abortion: Comforting Those Who Cry Alone

by Ryan MacPherson Reprinted, with permission of the author, from LifeDate (Lutherans for Life, Fall 2013) Abortion is a men’s issue. Yes, abortion is also a women’s issue. And it certainly is a children’s issue—a child’s life is at stake. But abortion is a men’s issue—a fact too readily overlooked these days. In 1992, the […]

Democrats: Parents have no right to know if daughter is getting an abortion

by Fr. Mark Hodges This article was first published at Life Site News on March 23, 2016. JEFFERSON CITY, Missouri, March 23, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Democrats in the Missouri House fiercely opposed a parental notification bill. Currently, Missouri law allows pregnant girls to get an abortion without their parents’ even knowing if a judge agrees […]

I never thought to question the morality of abortion.

My mother left when I was six. My sister and I went to a beautiful old house we called “the home” – a group home for girls whose families were under stress. We were fed and dressed well, had lots of play time but, even with my sister there, I was scared. I saw Matron […]

US Abortion Rate Up Slightly

I will be doing my regular Luthern Public Radio show on this story.  Go here for Issues Etc.   Or wait for the Podcast…. Gotta go: there’s the call!

Teen Abortion – Is MTV’s "No Easy Decision" a Contradiction?

The Short Version If the unborn are not human, why is having an abortion “no easy decision?” If the unborn are not human, having an abortion should be an easy decision, like having a mole or a tooth removed. The Long Version While browsing the Internet, I came across an article talking about MTV’s show […]

Abortion Trauma

I have long noticed that the harms associated with abortion are not taken seriously. That is because “the right to choose” isn’t really the issue. the issue is the right to have unlimited sexual activity without a live baby resulting. If abortion has significant medical or psychological consequences, these consequences will limit women’s desire to […]

Second Thoughts: Abortion Law is Family Law

Ruth Institute board member Helen Alvare has a brilliant article on recasting abortion law in terms of family law, instead of constitutional law. family law is experiencing second thoughts about “what was lost” during the period when lawmakers fell into a pattern of prioritizing adults’ interests over children’s. This is a fair characterization of family […]

Who’s for abortion?

On one of my recent trips, I heard from some old-time pro-life sidewalk counselors. These are folks who have been praying outside abortion clinics since Roe v Wade practically. They made this observation: “in the old days, our opponents on the sidewalks would be feminists of some sort. Today, it is far more likely that […]

More on Abortion Rates and State Policy

Evidently, the article Michael New was responding to originally appearred on the Law, Religion and Ethics blog. The discussion there is quite good, at a surprisingly high level of sophistication. The Leftys are still wrong however, as this deeply flawed analysis in the comments by June Carbone illustrates:

Abortion Rates and State Policy

Michael New is just the best at showing that state policy can have an impact on their abortion rates, even in the extremely hostile climate created by the Supreme Court and Roe. IN this article, he is refuting claims made in a book and a deeply pernicious book review that the culture of Red States […]