Susan Wojcicki, Current YouTube CEO.

Pro-lifers have been aware for decades that the public health institutions weren’t interested in the health of their members. With YouTube now censoring pro-life videos that disagree with the World Health Organization, many more people are coming to realize that the public health institutions, like the WHO, aren’t interested in people’s health. Dr. Morse and Fr. Rob Jack discuss.


Fr. Rob Jack: With us now getting back to the more important things. Although Chile and the Reds are important in Cincinnati, believe me, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse heads the Ruth Institute, which is an interfaith, nonprofit organization helping defend the family and repair the sexual damage of the sexual revolution. Her most recent book is The Sexual State How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives.

And in many ways it’s a prophetic book because everything that Dr. Morse wrote is really coming true right now. Thank you for being with us today, Dr. Morse.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse: Hey, I’m glad to be with you. I’m getting hungry for one of those chili dogs because I’m going to have to invite me to Cincinnati so I can see what all the excitement about.

Fr. Jack: Right there is. There is a skyline in Westerville, but I didn’t know there is one. I never saw one in Worthington.

Dr. Morse: So the skyline, a chain, a Coney dog chain or something?

Fr. Jack: Well, it’s not Coney. Yeah, I guess it’s not Coney dogs. It’s Coney or chili dogs.

Dr. Morse: Oh, sorry. Sorry. Yeah.

Fr. Jack: All right. When it comes to the sexual revolution, I bow to your knowledge and your wisdom. When we’re talking about chili spaghetti. That’s a Cincinnati thing. And so I got to stand up. I got to stand up for anyway.

Dr. Morse: All right. All right. I will not contradict you, that’s for sure.

Fr. Jack: But I know. But another thing and again, I thought this was pretty common knowledge because this has been knowledge since the really the eighties, what they call the ABC link and the link between abortion and and breast cancer. And apparently they’ve apparently now the mainstream group is saying, oh, no, no, no, none of that is real.

Dr. Morse: Oh, listen, they’ve been fighting the the public health establishment has been resisting knowledge of the abortion breast cancer length. They’ve been resisting knowing this for a long time, Father. And so we just got censored on YouTube. YouTube came in and overnight took down three of our videos. And it’s amazing to me how they do this. I get back to that in a minute.

But you know, we have hundreds of videos and they picked out these three, you know, and they said, well, you probably didn’t realize that this was a problem, so we’re not going to give you a strike against your channel, but you’re going against the scientific consensus. And and the three videos were about the forced abortion breast cancer link.

And one of them was, two of them were explaining the science. And it was a breast cancer surgeon, Angela LanFranchi, who probably some of your readers have heard of, certainly your certainly your pro-life activists have heard of Dr. LanFranchi and her research on this topic. But the irony is that the other interview was with Dr. Joel Brind, who was giving his testimony about what happened when the National Cancer Institute created the so-called scientific consensus on this subject, because he explained just how fraudulent that consensus really was.

And so here comes YouTube to take down the evidence on the books about how they rigged the how they rigged the deck to create this consensus. And then, you know, telling us that anybody who says that there’s no consensus, that that that person can’t be heard, no one can listen to that. So it’s we really are in a in a dark world in the sense that they cannot stand or tolerate any kind of disagreement or dissent from their views.

Fr. Jack: In other words, there’s only one view of science. It’s theirs, which is very unscientific.

Dr. Morse: Indeed, that is. And, you know, another irony is that when I interviewed Dr. Brind, one of the things he revealed was that they they had this big meeting. So what happened was he was showing he was collecting evidence for studies, hundreds of studies from all over the world, showing a link with statistical correlation between breast cancer and and abortion.

And already people understood the mechanism of how that could work. You know, and Dr. Lanfranchi explains all that. But they were starting to get some traction with that, and they were going to have some congressional hearings on the subject of, oh, maybe we should do something about this, talk about this. And the National Cancer Institute said, Oh, we’ll have a meeting on it and we’ll get everybody together and we’ll we’ll study this definitively.

Well, first off, they only invited the people who all agreed on one side. They didn’t invite anybody who disagreed. And when people said, hey, you didn’t invite some of the people who should be invited, there’s oh, don’t worry, you can ask questions on the floor. Although when they get there, no questions from the floor. Right. And then they’re all, oh, you can write a minority report.

Dr. Brind goes around to talk to people. Wouldn’t you like to join me in writing or Minority Report on this thing? And what he gets back from people was and he literally quoted this woman saying, “Look, I’d like to help you, but these people sign off on my grants so I can’t do it.” And that was literally her answer.

And my answer is, hey, if scientific truth is whatever the guy with the checkbook says it is, it ain’t science anymore. We’re dealing with something else. And that’s what the video was about. That’s what YouTube took down.

Fr. Jack: Well, and unfortunately, I think it’s correct. It’s the money, your money that causes the research. It’s the money that makes people not want to do things or not. Hold on. I mean, it is it’s not about the pursuit of the truth. It’s about money and you know, how much they can make from it, how famous they can be through it.

But it is. Doctor, one of the things I wonder, and I don’t know, maybe you can answer this these three there’s billions I mean, billions of or at least of videos on YouTube. How would they have been able to even find these things? Was there a complaint?

Dr. Morse: Is there I wonder I wonder that, too, you know, it hard to feel it had a robotic feel to it, you know, in other words, it looked like it was it was very bloodless. It was very like very routine, you know. And so what I wonder is whether they got some kind of little robot program going around.

Fr. Jack: Well, keyword for I think by putting abortion and birth cancer in the same line kicked an algorithm. And so maybe we need to kind of increase get a source out and start finding new ways to talk about these issues and then run them through and see if we can sneak them under the radar.

Dr. Morse: You know? You know, maybe. That’s right. Well, you know how during COVID, people stop saying COVID sometimes, you know, they would use other phrases, you know, or they would or they would substitute for the letters that would substitute an asterisk and said instead of an O or something like that, you know, people came up with ways to try to avert the bot.

But that really shows you how scared these people are of the truth getting out. You know, they don’t want you to know. They don’t want they don’t care about women’s health. They want their precious abortions ideology to be safe. You know, they don’t care if you’re safe. They want the ideology to be safe. And, you know, the idea that that whatever happened to trust women, you know, I mean, can we trust women to decide what they consider an acceptable risk?

Right. I mean, maybe you’re maybe you have a family history of breast cancer. Maybe you don’t want to take that. Maybe for you, it’s too much risk. And for somebody else, it wouldn’t be to a doctor.

Fr. Jack: We can use that argument just the other way. Why don’t we trust women? Why are we telling them abortion is wrong? If we trust their judgment, why can’t they make that decision?

Dr. Morse: What about abortion?

Fr. Jack: Yeah.

Dr. Morse: Well, because the taking of innocent human life, the deliberate taking of innocent human life is always wrong. That’s. That has nothing to do with health, per se. That has to do with a a primary moral truth that anybody should be able to understand. And that’s what people need to hear on a regular basis.

Fr. Jack: They do. I’m glad you mention that, because the argument I gave you was the argument that they’ll say anyway. Dr. Morse, you stay with us over the break and we’ll be back to talk to you.

Dr. Morse: Oh, I would love to talk some more about this.

Fr. Jack: With us now, Dr. Jennifer Roback, who heads the Ruth Institute. And we’re talking today about the abortion breast cancer link, which has been accepted very much in pro-life issues. But the three discussions she had for the Dr. J. Show was taken off of of YouTube, because apparently it violates their standards. And it’s not good science, even though we know just the opposite to be the case.

Thanks for staying with us, Dr. Morse.

Dr. Morse: I’m glad to be with you. Your people need to understand what’s going on here. This is this is it’s a combination of very dark and evil and very stupid and petty all at the same time. You know, it’s it’s hard to grasp.

Fr. Jack: Well, I’m I was glad this came up today because I know the abortion breast cancer lake-s for a long time now in the nineties and in the early 2000, this was a there was a lot of talk about it in the pro-life movement, but I haven’t heard much about it at all for a long time.

Dr. Morse: Well, part of the reason for that is that they they the National Cancer Institute came out with this big consensus report. And so on. And I think a lot of people felt spooked about talking about it. But you just still hear about it. You know, there was this film that came out a few years ago called Hush, which was made by people who were not Christians, not particularly pro-life, but they had uncovered for themselves the whole series of health issues and psychological issues associated with them, with abortion.

And in that, in the course of that film, they also talk about the abortion breast cancer link. So there are a number of people who are seeking the truth for a whole variety of reasons, you know, wanting to get at what’s really so. And when they really follow the science and follow the evidence, they end up on the doorstep of Dr. LanFranchi and Dr. Joel Brind and these kind of people who have kept this discussion alive.

I mean, just because Congress fails to do something about it or just because the National Cancer Institute decides to issue a report, that doesn’t change the scientific fact. And so the idea that they can continually, continually falsify, negate, distort the scientific record, this is appalling. And no matter where you stand on any particular issue, I think everybody should be concerned about the combination of the government and big tech suppressing this type of information.

Fr. Jack: Now, Doctor, I’m curious, you might not be able to answer this, but in terms of the link between abortion and breast cancer, we are making the assumption here that, in fact, that in some cases one of the causes of breast cancer can be the an abortion. Now is what’s what is the physiological connection there? Is it the chemicals being used or is it just the you know, the bodily response to losing the child?

Dr. Morse: Yes, yes, yes. And Dr. LanFranchi explains that in these videos. Okay. So it’s not you don’t want to say the abortion caused the cancer. Okay. What you want what you want to say is that there’s an increased risk.

Fr. Jack: Okay?

Dr. Morse: There’s a pattern of things that gets kicked into there’s a process that started into motion and which can lead to cancer.

Okay. Here’s the way it works. When you’re when a woman is pregnant, her breasts begin to develop nodules and they’re preparing to produce milk. Okay. And so and so in the course of a normal pregnancy and lactation and everything, by the time you’re finished with that process, your breasts are highly resistant to cancer. Really, the one of the biggest protective factors against getting breast cancer is as having a child and reasonable, you know, because because your breasts now are fully developed and and they’re resistant to cancer.

But what happens with when you have an induced abortion, you interrupt the process. These nodules begin to grow and to form, but they never come completely to fruition. They’re not they don’t they don’t go to their final end of producing milk and nursing the baby. And so but but they’ve been stimulated to grow. And so when you interrupt that, when you interrupt the process, they’re growing, but they don’t go to their final end.

There is some risk that each one of those nodules is now at some risk for a cancer developing there. And that applies to induced abortion. It tends not to be so big of a factor for a spontaneous abortion, which is the technical word for a miscarriage.

Fr. Jack: Right.

Dr. Morse: A spontaneous abortion. The reason being that generally or quite often when one has a miscarriage, something’s not quite right in the whole process altogether. And so oftentimes the breasts haven’t developed the way they normally would because something something is hormonally not correct. You know, there’s something disrupted already. And so the risk associated with that spontaneous abortion seems to be quite a bit less so.

So that’s the way it works. Doctor Lanfranchi explains it beautifully. You can learn all about it by going to our video on Rumble. You can. And if you go to our homepage now, there’s a link to all of this stuff. You know, we put it right on her home page. You know, stop big tech censorship. If you follow the links, you’ll find a link that takes you to these suppressed videos, which you can now find on Rumble and Bitchute, Odysee and those kind of places.

And you can hear Dr. LanFranchi, just explain it just the way I just did.

Fr. Jack: You know, Dr. Marcia, just for me to be a sneaky son of a gun, what I would do as I would rename that article and rename that video and send it in and see if it passes this time. And I’ll take in the description.

Exact change description. And because I don’t think they watch it, you change the description and they don’t know what they’re getting. And I know that we have a sneaky son of a gun, but it’s I would want to test the theory, you know, the I’m not a scientist by trade, but if they’re all they’re doing is looking at names and words, make different words and see if it changes the cause.

You got to fight censorship somehow.

Dr. Morse: Right? Throw off their keyword search business. You know, whatever they’re keyword searches that they’re that they’re using. Yeah. Yeah. It’s an idea. We’ll see that people have been that’s how people have been getting around some of the covered medical misinformation. And and you know, what I want to say to people is that there are now people who realize that the public health establishment is not simply all about health.

Right. But as pro-lifers, we have known for decades, we have known for decades that the public health establishment is not telling the full truth about either abortion or hormonal contraception. We’ve known that for a long time. And and now there are other people who are willing to say, hey, maybe these guys aren’t telling us the whole truth. Maybe there’s more to the story than, you know, than what we thought.

And I hope some of those people will give some of these issues, you know, a second look and and look at what pro-lifers have been dealing with all these years, you know.

Fr. Jack: Well, thank you so much, Dr. Morse, for sharing with us this information today. If people want to subscribe to your website, get your newsletter and watch the Dr. Jay Show on the other media that you have to do it. Where can we send them start?

Dr. Morse: You just go to Ruth Everything you need is right there to sign up for our newsletter, which cannot be censored, and also for our donate page and for all of our online properties.

Or thank you so much for being with us today. Dr. Morse.

You’re welcome.

About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact

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