
Marriage Resource Center


How are helpless infants best nurtured into civilized adults?

The family, which accomplishes this task so routinely, has never been successfully replicated by any system or institution.

Families are key for a functional society. The virtues acquired within the family – generosity, self-sacrifice, trust, self-discipline – are crucial in every domain of social life.

This Marriage Week, we aim to guide everyone who is, or will be married, to persevere through the good times and the bad.

At this Marriage Resource Center, you’ll find our Marriage Fact Sheet, interviews with family scholars, and practical resources to help couples live out their marriage vows.

Thank you for coming. And thank you for celebrating marriage with us!



Get the facts about marriage
and how it positively impacts
children, families, and the world.

It felt like the universe was conspiring against my marriage. Usually I take hardship in stride; however, this began to feel personal. When I first heard of Coronavirus, I ignored it. It was far away and irrelevant.

The virus seemed to want to prove me wrong.

In early March, with six weeks until the wedding, planning was going great: our venue looked amazing, our food was planned, my fiancée’s family had their travel plans, a family member was going to perform the ceremony. It was what we had dreamed of.

Then my university announced it was cancelling classes. Then our church suspended in-person meetings. We started to hear stories of travel being cancelled. Now I was worried. The worst part was having no idea what was going on or what to do. Do we send the invitations? Could we still have a reception? Where would we get enough hand sanitizer for the 200 people on our guest list? It was already being sold for $50 a bottle on Amazon.


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Society needs these truths. Help us!

Society needs these truths. Help us!