From the Median: Sullins report

(November 28, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest of Molly Smith on Salem Radio’s From the Median. They’re discussing the Ruth Institute’s clergy sex abuse report, authored by Fr. Paul Sullins, in the aftermath of the awful sexual scandal regarding homosexual abuse networks in the Catholic Church.

Dr J on Sound Insight

(November 27, 2018) Dr J is Dr. Thomas Curran’s guest on Sacred Heart Radio’s Sound Insight. She and Tom are discussing the mission of the Ruth Institute, our recent report on clergy sex abuse, and Dr J’s newest book, The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right All Along.

Lay Catholics should lead, not leave, their church

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first posted October 11, 2018, at Washington Examiner. Pope Francis reaches out to hug Cardinal Archbishop emeritus Theodore McCarrick after the Midday Prayer of the Divine with more than 300 U.S. Bishops at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington. (Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post via AP, […]

Defending the Church in her hour of need – two guiding principles

by Jennifer Roback Morse at on Nov. 1, 2018. Our beloved Catholic Church is facing the worst crisis in 500 years. Clergy sexual abuse, rampant sexual immorality, and cover-up by Church authorities: it adds up to a Church deeply in need of reform. We are waiting anxiously to see what the hierarchy decides to […]

About Those ‘Gay Clergy Networks’

by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse This article was published November 12, 2018 at National Catholic Register. COMMENTARY: Church leadership won’t solve this current crisis unless it confronts homosexual practice among the clergy and especially the networks of homosexually oriented clergy operating to protect each other. I hesitate to wade into areas in which I have […]

Study shows high correlation between homosexual priests, clerical abuse

Catholic World News November 02, 2018, at Catholic Culture. A new study from the Ruth Institute has demonstrated a high correlation between the proportion of homosexuals in the Catholic priesthood and the incidence of sexual abuse by the clergy. The study conducted by Father Paul Sullins, a Catholic University sociologist, found that the percentage of […]

Preti gay & abusi, nuovo studio, vecchie conferme

Our Ruth Institute report, published at an Italian website, November 4, 2018. Un nuovo studio del Ruth Institute tende a dimostrare un’elevato tasso di correlazione tra la percentuale di omosessuali nel sacerdozio cattolico e l’incidenza degli abusi sessuali da parte del clero. La percentuale di uomini omosessuali nel sacerdozio è aumentata drasticamente accanto a segnalazioni […]

Clergy Sex Abuse Report on the Drew Mariani Show

(November 5, 2018) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing the way forward in the aftermath of the awful sexual scandal around homosexual abuse networks in the Catholic Church. Check out Fr. Sullins’ report at (it’s also on the front page of our website right now).

Ruth Institute Releases Study on the Role of “Sexual Orientation” in the Catholic Clerical Sex Abuse Scandal

For more information, contact Beth Johnson: The Ruth Institute released a study by Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., that sheds new light on the sexual abuse scandal which has rocked the Catholic Church for years. The study analyzes national data collected by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, data codified from the 1100-page Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report released in August 2018, and data from a 2002 survey of Catholic priests by the Los Angeles Times. The Ruth Institute study shows: a disturbing recent increase in the number of sexual incidents reported since 2010. a strong correlation between the percentage of self-described homosexuals in the Catholic priesthood and the incidence of sexual abuse of minors by the clergy. Ruth Institute Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse says: “To properly access the sexual abuse scandal which has plagued the Catholic Church for decades now, certain issues must be confronted with an uncompromising commitment to learning the truth wherever it leads us – even if that truth is politically incorrect.” Fr. Sullins added, “The data file compiled from the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report is available at our new webpage ( dedicated to gathering information about the clergy sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. We invite other researchers to take advantage of the opportunity to utilize this data. “ The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization equipping Christians to defend their beliefs about the family to create a culture of lifelong married love. The Ruth Institute has responded to the latest round of clergy sex abuse revelations by encouraging the laity to do two things: Insist on justice regarding clergy sex abuse. That includes punishment for the guilty, protection for the innocent and restoration for the victims, as far as humanly possible. Proclaim the full truth of the Church’s teaching on marriage, family and human sexuality. Dr. Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and taught at Yale and George Mason Univer

Fr. Sullins on From the Median

(October 31, 2018) Fr. Paul Sullins, senior research associate for the Ruth Institute, is Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median. They’re discussing the father’s clergy sex abuse report on the homosexual abuse scandals that rocked the Catholic Church last summer.

Three (and a Half)-Step Plan for Reforming the Church

Just remember: Pray. Learn. Speak Out. Repeat. by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published October 15, 2018, at Faithful Catholics are understandably distressed over the scandalous revelations about our church. Sexual abuse of minors, sexual harassment of seminarians, cover-ups by bishops are all part of the mix, not to mention financial malfeasance […]

Why I Don’t Call Anyone “Gay”

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published August 28, 2018, at Crisis Magazine. The clergy sex abuse and cover-up stories have created a linguistic challenge for faithful Catholics. Over 80 percent of these clergy abuse cases involve predatory sexual activity between adult men and younger men in less powerful positions. Some Catholic commentators […]

The Sexual State on Morning Glory

(September 5, 2018) Dr J is a guest of Thom Price, Gloria Purvis, and Fr. Bryce Sibley on EWTN’s "Morning Glory.&quot, They’re discussing her newest book, The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right All Along.

Latest Clerical Abuse Revelations Show Importance of “The Sexual State”

In a recent interview with The Catholic World Report, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. dissected the ongoing clerical sex scandals in the light of new book – The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church Was Right All Along. A noted author, academic and campus speaker, Dr. Morse said revelations of sexual abuse by priests and members of the hierarchy are one more tragic result of the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution “provides cover for predatory behavior. After all,” says Morse, “the bottom line of the sexual revolution is that sex is an entitlement. Who really believes that? The rapist: that’s who.” Dr. Morse says that “Too many men are using their position of authority and respect in the Church to pursue their private sexual purposes. It is no wonder so many clergy refuse to preach or teach on sexual issues.” This makes it even more important that faithful Catholics “take up the challenge of educating themselves, living the Church’s teaching, and sharing with others. We can’t wait for the clergy to put their houses in order.” Publication of The Sexual State comes at a crucial time. It exposes and counters the radical sexual “morality” of “an out-of-touch elite class,” imposed on ordinary people by government, including “three false and calamitous ideologies – contraception, divorce and gender – that have led to widespread and profound unhappiness.” The best way to fight this is by: Forming a lifelong plan for cooperating with one person who will co-parent with you Only having sex with the person you are married to Staying married unless someone does something really awful Not attempting a “remarriage” Being nice to your spouse, so he or she can put up with you In other words, traditional Christian sexual morality has been right all along. The Sexual State is essential reading for survivors of the sexual revolution, Catholic educators, clergy of all denominations, parents, grandparents and everyone who wants to know how to counter the current climate of indulgence, traged

What Can the Laity Do?

(September 4, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing what the Catholic laity can do in the aftermath of the awful sexual scandal breaking around homosexual abuse networks in the Catholic Church. This podcast references two of Dr J’s recent articles in the National Catholic Register: "Harvey Weinstein, Theodore McCarrick, and How You Can Help the #CatholicMeToo Movement,&quot, from August 20th, and "Becoming the Solution: How Ordinary Catholics Can Help to Reform Their Church,&quot, from September 3rd.

Dr J on Live Hour…Clerical Sex Scandal Edition

(August 28, 2018) Dr J is once again Todd Sylvester’s guest on his show Live Hour from Archangel Radio. They’re discussing the predatory sexual scandal breaking right now in the Catholic Church.

How the State Created the Sexual Revolution

(August 20, 2018) Dr J is once again Al Kresta’s guest on his eponymous radio show from Ave Maria. They’re discussing Dr. J’s new book, The Sexual State, and they also touch on how those ideas connect with the predatory sexual scandal breaking right now in the Catholic Church.

From the Median: The Sexual State

(August 21, 2017) Dr J is once again Molly Smith’s guest on From the Median. They’re discussing The Sexual State, Dr J’s newest book (which hits the shelves tomorrow, August 23, 2018). The sexual revolution marches forward on 3 ideological pillars: contraceptive propaganda, false promises of divorce, and gender-based propaganda, and there is a lot of additional force applied on those fronts by the state and its policies. Dr J elucidates.

Ruth Institute Reports on Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal

(August 21, 2018) Dr J is once again Teresa Tomeo’s guest on Catholic Connection from Ave Maria Radio. They’re discussing the predatory sexual scandal breaking right now in the Catholic Church…and what the laity can do as far as a response.

The Current Word on Sexual Scandal in the Catholic Church

(August 16, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest of Kathleen Benfield on The Current Word, a radio project of the American Family Association of New Orleans. They’re discussing the awful sexual scandal breaking in the Catholic Church and the recent Pennsylvania Grand Jury report on the abusive actions of over 300 priests.

Sexual Scandal in the Church

(August 13, 2018) Fr. Paul Sullins is once again a guest of Drew Mariani on his eponymous show on Relevant Radio. They’re discussing the awful sexual scandal breaking around the actions of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Check out more on this at our website, Dr J and Fr. Sullins have written a lot on this, and Fr. Sullins has also prepared a Q&A resource, This podcast is a rebroadcast of a segment of Relevant Radio’s "The Drew Mariani Show.&quot, For interviews with Fr. Sullins or Dr. J on this topic, please contact Beth Johnson at media (at) ruthinstitute (dot) org.

Ruth Institute on Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal

Fr. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., Research Associate of the Ruth Institute, Answers Questions on The Clerical Sex Abuse Scandal Is the current Catholic sex abuse scandal related to homosexuality? Yes. The current scandal includes mostly revelations about male on male sexual abuse of seminarians, where the victims are adults. These kinds of cases were not even […]

We believe you, James. We are sorry no one listened. We pledge to do better.

People are outraged about the revelations of Cardinal McCarrick’s lifetime of sexual abuse of minors and seminarians and are proposing ideas for reform. For now, we’re focusing on the most important thing: the suffering of a little boy. James was 11 when Fr. McCarrick began abusing him. James asked for help, but no one believed […]

Finding Wholeness in my Identity as a Daughter of the King

I have been healing from the effects of the sexual revolution for about 30 years now. If you had told me as a 24-year-old that my life would be marked by emotional and spiritual wholeness, that I’d one day celebrate 28 years of marriage and three beautiful daughters, I would have thought you cruel for […]

Live from Acton: Family Secrets and the Sin of Cardinal McCarrick

(June 21, 2018) Live from this year’s Acton University, Dr J is Al Kresta’s guest on his eponymous radio show from Ave Maria. Between workshops, they’re discussing the recent controversy that has come to light regarding Cardinal McCarrick’s sexual misconduct.