Continuing A Pro-Life Legacy
Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Dr. Alveda King to discuss what the next steps are for the Pro-life movement in the wake of Dobbs.
Roe Reversal Marks New Stage in Abortion Struggle
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse issues a public statement recognizing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn of the abortion case, Roe v. Wade.
Where Will You Be When Roe is Repealed? At the Survivors’ Summit!
June 1, 2022 When the Supreme Court decision repealing Roe v. Wade is announced, the place to be is the Ruth Institute’s Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said: “Our Summit will help launch the post-Roe generation. Everyone who was […]
For Once, the Sexual Revolutionaries Aren’t Wrong
May 13, 2022 “The Sexual Revolutionaries fretting over gay marriage and contraception are not wrong,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Once the Court stops propping up the Sexual Revolution with so-called rights invented out of thin air, a lot of ‘settled issues’ are up for grabs.” “Although in his draft of […]