USAID, Ideological Imperialism and the Sexual State

The recent freeze on U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) expenditures has brought attention to that agency’s unaccountability and waste. But the problems with USAID run deeper than merely wasting taxpayer dollars or being opaque about its activities. 

Ruth Institute condemns USAID ideological imperialism

“Worse than merely waste, the USAID has been systematically exporting the Sexual Revolution to countries that do not want it,” Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. stated in response to the recent freeze on USAID expenditures. “The American public is rightly outraged about USAID’s waste of their taxpayer dollars. But look at this […]

Bishop Barron Avoids Policy Curveballs, Gets a Solid Hit on Gender Ideology

COMMENTARY: Church teaching on human nature is timeless and universal. But, Catholics can disagree among themselves on many public policies. Jennifer Roback Morse February 3, 2025, at National Catholic Register Based on vast human experience and centuries of reflection on Divine Revelation, the Catholic Church has a particular contribution to make to sound public policy […]

California Wildfires Part II: Trust and Rebuilding

By Jennifer Roback Morse Published on January 28, 2025, at The Stream. Defunding the firefighters, DEI hires for significant positions, and ideologically driven environmental restrictions on water projects: All these played a part in increasing the devastation of the recent California wildfires. In my last article, I argued that these policies are the fruit of Fantasy […]

California Wildfires Part I: Fantasy Ideology

If you are one of those people who say our society is so corrupt that we should burn it all down and start over, you got your wish. Parts of California have recently burned down, and the fires still aren’t out.


by Kathy Barrilleaux I cannot remember if I have ever been moved to write a review for a commercial before, but here we are.  Forget its raison d’être is to sell Volvos. There is a theme FAR more important the film makers convey and it is the advocacy for life. The ad, in both obvious […]

Pro-Life Women Comprise the Real Women’s Movement

The totality of this experience convinces me that the pregnancy-care-center movement is an authentic “women’s movement.” I think they have more right to describe themselves as a “women’s movement” than some of the self-described “feminists.” 

An Open Letter to Melania Trump

On her new book, and her position on abortion By Jennifer Roback Morse Published on October 10, 2024, at The Stream Dear Mrs. Trump, So many of us love and admire you. Your conduct as First Lady was a credit to our country. I will never forget the way you decorated the White House for Christmas: […]

Serious Synodal Resistance

Ruth Institute President Contributes “The Ruth Institute maintains that traditional Christian sexual ethics, as taught most fully by the Catholic Church, is both reasonable and humane,” stated Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder and President of the Ruth Institute, in response to the Synod on Synodality currently going on in Rome. “However, these teachings have had […]

Equality: A Word for Weasels?

By Jennifer Roback Morse Published on September 14, 2024, at The Stream Calling someone a “weasel” is an American idiom that makes an unflattering comparison between a person and an animal. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “weasel” this way: “Equality” is often a weasel word. There is a valid Christian interpretation of the term, which some […]

Queering Women’s Boxing

COMMENTARY: The Imane Khelif case undermines the case for ‘queer’ as a protection for the weak. Jennifer Roback Morse September 3, 2024, at National Catholic Register. Using the word “queer” as a verb is the latest exercise in verbal gymnastics that the average person may not have heard of. You might assume that “to queer” […]

Take it from me: sometimes banning books is a good idea

By Friend of the Ruth Institute, James Parker, featured in the Dr. J Show interviews: “I was born gay: until I learned I wasn’t” and  “Fact is, you can change your LGBT identity.” August 30, 2024, at Conservative Christian bigots are campaigning to ban books from public libraries. This is a familiar headline in […]

Vatican slaps clergy abuse survivors in the face, again

Despite an outcry from abuse victims at the Vatican’s use of artwork by the credibly accused, now disgraced, former Jesuit priest Father Marko Rupnik, the Vatican has once again displayed one of his images on their website for the Aug. 15 solemnity of the Assumption of Mary. Clergy abuse survivor, Faith Hakesley, author of Glimmers […]

Who’s Responsible for the Olympic Women’s Boxing Disaster?

By Jennifer Roback Morse August 9, 2024, at The Stream The Olympic boxing match between Angela Carini of Italy and Imane Khelif of Algeria has sparked worldwide controversy and outrage. In my opinion, anger is justified, but only if directed at the proper target. I don’t think either of the athletes “cheated.” These young people […]

Ruth Institute Launches Resource Center for Concerned Parents

After receiving many requests from parents and grandparents for help and information, the Ruth Institute launched its Parent Resource Center. The Sexual Revolution, which began by “liberating” the Boomer generation, is now after our children. With LGBT indoctrination in schools and libraries, Pride flags in stores, and rampant gender confusion, concerned parents wonder how to […]

Vatican Spokesman Needs to Go

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder and President of the Ruth Institute, called for the resignation of Dr. Paolo Ruffini as the Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication. At a recent Catholic Media conference, Ruffini responded to questions regarding the Vatican’s continued use of artwork by Father Marko Rupnik, who is credibly accused of serial […]

Is LGBT Persons’ Mental Health Improving?

By Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse at National Catholic Register June 28, 2024 COMMENTARY: The social changes in the past 30 years have not actually improved the mental health of the people who were supposed to be helped. The social acceptance of homosexual behavior has greatly increased over the past 30 years. In that time, the […]

Sean’s journey away from the occult and homosexuality

Testimony of Sean Swart from South Africa in response to our Ex-Gay Visibility campaign For as long as I can recall I had desires that conflicted with my conscience and later my faith in Jesus – I experience same sex attraction. In my teenage years I gave my heart to Jesus but the desires didn’t […]

Ex-Lesbian: Divine Grace is Real

by Suzanne Carrillo at OnePeterFive Today is the first of June, the month that Church dedicates to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since so many people outside the Catholic world haven’t any knowledge of the liturgical year, much less how one can live according to it, they will be inundated with “pride” memorabilia all month […]

Ex-Gay Visibility Day: First Sunday in June

by T. S. Flanders June 1, 2024 at One Peter Five From the Ruth Institute: “The gay lobby makes sure everyone knows Junes is ‘Pride Month,’ but they certainly won’t acknowledge the many people who have left the LGBT identity behind. That’s why the Ruth Institute is declaring the first Sunday of June to be […]

Celebrate Ex-Gay Visibility Day

By Jennifer Roback Morse Published on June 2, 2024 Unless you’ve been living on another planet since 2021, you are no doubt aware that June has been declared “Pride Month” across the United States. So at the Ruth Institute, we plan to spend the next four weeks discussing a topic you aren’t likely to hear about […]

Reclaiming ‘Pride Month’: June 2 is ‘Ex-Gay Visibility Day’

Unpopular truth: There are more people today living as ‘ex-gays’ than there are those leading homosexual lives. by Doug Mainwaring June 1, 2024 (LifeSiteNews) — “Pride Month” has just begun, a month when woke identity politics takes center stage for 30 days, relentlessly driving home the unfounded neo-Marxist claim that homosexual and transgender-identifying individuals are […]

Finally, a ‘Visibility Day’ for the People the LGBTQ Movement Finds Inconvenient

By Tyler O’Neil May 28, 2024 at Next month, companies will add rainbow flags to their icons and logos, the White House will hold events celebrating LGBTQ individuals, and Target and other stores will likely promote rainbow-themed merchandise. Amid all this “Pride,” the men and women who rejected a homosexual lifestyle will be forgotten. […]

Ruth Institute Reacts to Transgender Day of Visibility with new tradition: Adult Appreciation Week

In light of the Biden White House’s announcement of Transgender Day of Visibility, the Ruth Institute discerned the need for Adult Appreciation Week. “’Transgender’ people are not the only ones who need and deserve ‘visibility,’” Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse said.  “Therefore, the Ruth Institute will observe Adult Appreciation Week from Wednesday April […]

Kids Need Their Parents: Memoir Provides a Welcome Relief

As someone who has been promoting the family for decades, I am delighted to see a new, fresh, young voice proclaiming the core message that kids need their parents. Robert Kim Henderson, with a bachelor’s degree from Yale and a doctorate in psychology from Cambridge, has written not an academic tome, but a memoir.

Gender Ideology’s Verbal Engineering, Part 2: An Irrational Agenda That Few Want

boy and girl cutout decals

COMMENTARY: The terms ‘trans’ and ‘transgender’ are laden with ideological ambiguity. Jennifer Roback Morse March 13, 2024 at National Catholic Register In a recent column, I argued that we should stop using the word “trans” or “transgender.” I showed that these terms can be used to mean eight types of people. Using one term to […]

YouTube Called Out for Abortion Bias

“I’m so glad law enforcement is calling out YouTube for its obvious pro-abortion bias against pro-life videos,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Ruth Institute Celebrates Real Women This Women’s History Month

“March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate women, but what ‘women’ are being celebrated during our time in history?” asks Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse. “Men who say they’re women are earning medals and winning records in women’s sports. A biological man entered a women’s mixed martial arts contest and broke […]

Trans Train Finally Derailing

It’s about time people are pushing back against the trans train that is, among other things, ruining women’s sports and erasing women

Gender Ideology’s Verbal Engineering

COMMENTARY: Why language matters in the context of the heated debate over ‘transgender’ issues. Editor’s Note: This is the first installment of a two-part series on the issues surrounding gender identity.  By Jennifer Roback Morse February 26, 2024, at National Catholic Register Watch your language… You should not say “transgender.” I can hear the howls […]

Protecting What’s Ours: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse to Appear on EWTN’s “Women of Grace”

Next week, February 19-22, Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse will appear on EWTN’s “Women of Grace.” She and host Johnette Benkovic Williams will discuss “Protecting What’s Ours: The Top Challenges Facing Society Today.” Watch as they dive into the biggest issues facing family life today, specifically, the attack on marriage, women, and children, […]

The Sexual State at Work: Schools and Planned Parenthood Deceive Parents

“Recent cases in Missouri and New Jersey show a shocking pattern of parents being deliberately deceived by agents of the Sexual State,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse.  In Missouri, Attorney General Andrew Bailey blew the whistle on Planned Parenthood illegally trafficking children out of state to have abortions. A Planned Parenthood manager admitted […]

Gender Identity ≠ Sexual Orientation: The Counseling Ban Sleight of Hand

cubes spelling the word transgender

COMMENTARY: Some jurisdictions are trying to ban counseling for gender-identity issues, right alongside bans on sexual-orientation ‘conversion therapy.’ Jennifer Roback Morse February 6, 2024 at National Catholic Register You may be aware of the worldwide attempts to ban “conversion therapy” that “intends to change or suppress sexual orientation.” But did you know that some jurisdictions […]

Has Pope Francis changed Catholic Church teaching?

st peters basilica in vatican

My friends at the Christian Post have asked for my insights, as a faithful Roman Catholic, regarding the recent Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans. I am honored to be asked. The Vatican’s recent actions have caused tremendous confusion. All of us who are committed to traditional Christian sexual morality must keep our wits about us if we are to navigate this mess.

Memo to the Global Ruling Class: Trashing The Sound of Freedom Looks Bad

by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder of The Ruth Institute The Sound of Freedom is a popular film about child sex trafficking, but major news outlets trashed it using the exact same words: “Qanon” and “conspiracy theory”—anything to discredit this film and the horrors it depicts. However, let me remind you of one thing every […]

Counseling Freedom Battle Wins and Setbacks

Activists promoting ‘conversion therapy bans’ will not be satisfied until every last counselor, therapist, priest or pastor on planet earth has been silenced, shamed or scared into submission.

Ruth Institute congratulates UK counseling organization for its position on therapy bans

“This is highly encouraging,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., referring to a recent statement by the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) acknowledging that talk therapy is not coercive and that therapists are fully entitled to believe that children with gender dysphoria should not be medicalized. “Faulty studies and false testimonies about […]

‘Settled Science’? Anthropologists Don’t Know the Difference Between Men and Women

COMMENTARY: Ideology is trumping the free exchange of ideas, open inquiry and the scientific method itself. by Jennifer Roback Morse and Betsy Kerekes October 11, 2023 at National Catholic Register The American Anthropological Association (AAA) recently rejected a proposed session from its annual meeting. The board released a statement titled, “No Place for Transphobia in […]

“Sex Work” and other euphemisms

“I’m encouraged that a group of women’s rights advocates, anti-traffickers, and former prostitutes gathered in New York to not only combat the city’s sex trade business, but to rally against the euphemisms, ‘sex work’ and ‘sex worker’,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Even otherwise conservative media outlets, such as The New […]