American Girl Betrays American Girls

With the release of “Body Image,” a piece of transgender activism masquerading as a toy, American Girl betrays American Girls.
Schumer’s Labor Shortage Plan Is an Insult to Our Intelligence
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D, NY) suggests amnesty for illegal immigrants to solve our labor shortage problem. “That’s an insult to our intelligence,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Schumer said, “We’re short of workers. We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level it used […]
Dr. Morse Defends the Family in Hungary

At the recent Hungarian conference on demography, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse spoke elegantly on defending the family and Christian morals.
DeSantis School Committee Endorsees Win

“Ron DeSantis is the first Florida governor to endorse candidates in local school committee races,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “And 24 out of 30 of his endorsees won, including in the Democratic stronghold of Dade County.” “They won principally by supporting parental rights in education,” Morse noted. “Sadly, America’s schools […]
Population Reaches 8 Billion but it Won’t Last

The world reached a phenomenal milestone Tuesday: the population reached 8 billion. Unfortunately, it won’t last.
Stand Unapologetically For Family, Life And Win

The results from Tuesday’s election show that when candidates stand unapologetically for family and life will win.
FL Ruling Corrects Trans Medicine Misinformation

A recent Florida ruling corrects trans medicine misinformation and prohibits Florida from paying for gender “affirming” services.
DC Schools Push Transgenderism With Surveys

“This is an outrageous invasion of privacy and a blatant attempt to promote transgenderism,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., of a survey distributed to DC children as young as 11. “The survey asks students about their ‘gender identity’ and ‘sexual orientation,’ but children do not normally ask themselves whether they are […]
Effects of Declining Fertility Already Being Felt

“According to the United Nations, the earth’s population will reach 8 billion around November 15. But, due to rapidly declining fertility, the world’s population may begin falling by 2050,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president of the Ruth Institute. “Once the fall begins, the downward slide will be swift, with potentially devastating results.” Worldwide […]
Parents: Allow Your Children to Transition or Be Punished

A Virginia legislator wants to punish parents who refuse to support their child’s ‘gender transitioning.’ “This is a classic case of Sexual Revolutionaries using force to achieve their goals,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president of the Ruth Institute. Democratic delegate Elizabeth Guzman wants to expand the definition of child abuse and neglect to […]
Overpopulation Fears are Fruitless

With the approach of the earth’s 8 billionth person, the neo-malthusians overpopulation fears are fruitless.
Michigan’s Prop 3 Removes Parents

In what is an otherwise abortion-centric constitutional amendment, Michigan’s prop 3 removes parents and enshrines transgenderism.
DOJ: The Enforcer of the Sexual Revolution

Like Al Capone’s Frank Nitti, called “The Enforcer” for his brutal methods, Biden’s Department of Justice has become the enforcer of the Sexual Revolution.
Let’s Celebrate the 8 Billionth Person!

Despite hundreds of years’ worth of prophecies of doom for planetary population, baby 8 billion represents hope for humanity.
Boy Makes Girls’ Team Surrender Changing Room

In another example of the havoc the transgender ideology wreaks upon society, a boy makes girls’ team surrender changing room.
FBI Raid Shows the Sexual State At Work

The arrest at gunpoint of a pro-life activist in Pennsylvania in an early morning raid by at least 15 heavily armed 15 FBI agents demonstrates the Sexual State at work
Fifth Annual Rosary Around the Lake breaks new ground in community representation

The 5th Annual Rosary Around the Lake in Lake Charles, LA, breaks new ground, with decades of the Rosary being recited in French and Spanish, as well as representation from multiple community groups. On October 2, in cooperation with the local community, the Ruth Institute sponsored event will begin with the Most Reverend Glen John […]
The Respect for Marriage Act Is Anti-Child

The so called Respect for Marriage Act is Anti-child and demonstrates a political cynicism straight from the Sexual Revolution.
Peppa Pig Promotes Fatherlessness

In an episode with two lesbian mothers, Peppa Pig promotes fatherlessness to children while propagandizing for the Sexual Revolution.
MLB Funds Transgenderism with Ticket Sales

MLB funds transgenderism with ticket sales. This is a travesty, considering their fanbase is the most conservative in all professional sports.
Celebration Of A 10 Year-Old “Trans” Model Is Sick.

Celebration of a 10 year-old “trans” model is sick and a damning indictment of our current cultural zeitgeist.
Transgenderism Is Nonsense – Nobel Prize Winner

Transgenderism is nonsense, according to the 1995 Nobel Prize winner in science and medicine, Dr. Christiane Nusslein-Volhard.
Majority of British Births Are Now Out of Wedlock

For the first time since records were kept, an alarming new trend has emerged: a majority of British births are now out of wedlock.
Egg Freezing Is Appalling, Even As A Gift

Egg Freezing Is Appalling, Even As A Gift. Mindy Kalling, acclaimed actress, shows off her selfishness in recent comments.
YMCA Bans 80 Year-Old

YMCA Bans 80 Year Old for the heinous crime of letting people know the Y was allowing biological men to use the women’s changing rooms.
FOX Features Dr. Morse On Big Tech Censorship

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, was invited on Fox News to discuss Big Tech Censorship.
Big Tech Censors Are Terrified of Open Debate

As evidenced by Twitter censoring the term “groomer,” big tech censors are terrified of open debate. The Ruth Institute explains why.
The Post-Roe Censorship Begins

Post-Roe censorship begins with YouTube deleting Dr. J show episodes that ask hard questions about abortion and breast cancer.
Christian Sexual Ethics Defended

Dr. Morse defends Christian Sexual Ethics at Pastor Jim Garlow’s “Well Versed Future” conference in Virginia.
Fight for Family Continues Post Summit

The fight for Family goes on even after the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors has wrapped up for 2022 in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Dangers of Gender Transitioning

Chloe Cole, a former transgender teen, testified in Florida about the dangers of gender transitioning, especially with teenagers.
Thinking Beyond Roe at Survivors Summit

Dr. Jennifer Morse reflects on Ruth’s Institute’s recent Summit and how R.I. is looking beyond the Roe reversal to the future.
Thinking Beyond Roe at Survivors Summit

After Roe, kids will still need their parents, in some ways more than before Roe fell. The Summit for Survivors gave insights into that.
Survivors’ Summit Four Days Away

The Ruth Institute Survivors’ Summit (June 24 -25) is only four days away and is slated to be RI’s biggest and best Summit to date.
Dazzling Array of Speakers for Survivors Summit

Dr. Jennifer Morse, President of the Ruth Institute, shares quotes from some of the dazzling speakers of the Survivors Summit 2022.
Scholar Of The Year Survives Cancel Mob

Scott Yenor, professor at Boise State University, and Ruth Institute Scholar Of The Year Survives Cancel Mob.
Ruth Inst. Summit Explores Past, Present and Future of Marriage and Family

June 7, 2022 “We must learn from the past, confront the challenges of the present, and plan for the future of marriage and family with confidence,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president of the Ruth Institute. “Those are the themes of our 2022 Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution June 24-25 in Lake […]
Another Criminal From A Fatherless Home

In the aftermath of the Uvalde tragedy, we find yet another criminal from a fatherless home.
Where Will You Be When Roe is Repealed? At the Survivors’ Summit!

June 1, 2022 When the Supreme Court decision repealing Roe v. Wade is announced, the place to be is the Ruth Institute’s Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said: “Our Summit will help launch the post-Roe generation. Everyone who was […]
Summit Virtual Passes Available

Virtual Passes for the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution are now available to the general. public.
Thank You, Archbishop Cordileone.

May 25, 2022 Regarding San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who is under fire for his position on denying communion to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., stated: “We commend Archbishop Cordileone for his courage and clarity on the most important moral issue of our time.” “The Ruth Institute is […]
Emerging Leaders Program Will Train the Leaders of Tomorrow

May 24, 2022 The Ruth Institute announced that there are now a limited number of scholarships — some including travel — available for the Emerging Leaders Program at its 2022 Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said: “The program is […]
Schools Force Kids to Affirm Trans Agenda

May 18, 2022 “Public schools have become an enforcement arm of the Sexual Revolution, especially regarding the trans agenda,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. A Wisconsin school district filed sexual harassment complaints against three middle school boys for not using the preferred pronoun of a male classmate who says he’s a […]
Boot Camp for Pro-Life, Pro-Family Activists

May 17, 2022 The Core Leadership Training at the Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, (June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA) will be “a boot camp for pro-life, pro-family activists to help them be more effective spokesmen for the family,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. The Core Leadership Training, June […]
For Once, the Sexual Revolutionaries Aren’t Wrong

May 13, 2022 “The Sexual Revolutionaries fretting over gay marriage and contraception are not wrong,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Once the Court stops propping up the Sexual Revolution with so-called rights invented out of thin air, a lot of ‘settled issues’ are up for grabs.” “Although in his draft of […]
Prepare for a Post-Roe World at Ruth Inst. Summit

May 10, 2022 Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, will speak on what to expect in a post-Roe v Wade America at the Ruth Institute’s 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution June 24-25 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. “We are so pleased to have Kristan speak at this critical time,” […]
Elon Musk Warns About Demographic Winter

Elon Must warns about Demographic Winter while the media ignores the calamity that population decline would engender.
The Sexual Revolution Needs Abortion

The Sexual Revolution needs abortion in order to continue existing, a travesty we hope that the court will remedy.
Early Bird Registration for Survivors Summit Ends in 12 Days

May 3, 2022 Only 12 days remain for discount registration to the Ruth Institute’s 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution (Fighting for Your Family: Arming you for Success) June 24-25 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Early Bird registration of $119 (regular price $233) for the entire event ends on May 15 at 11:59 […]
Public and Private Schools Promote Gender Ideology

April 29, 2022 “Public and private schools are using children as pawns to promote gender ideology. In the process, parental rights are routinely violated,” said Ruth Institute Founder and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Morse noted a recent lawsuit against the Ludlow, Massachusetts, school district for transitioning children without their parents’ knowledge, and an […]
Defending Christian Sexual Ethics Without Fear or Apology at Ruth Inst. Summit

April 27, 2022 “Whether the issue is abortion, transgenderism, divorce, homosexuality, pornography, or child sexual abuse, restoring traditional Christian sexual ethics is the solution.” Morse will present an innovative “Defense of Traditional Christian Sexual Ethics in 15 Minutes” at the Institute’s 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, June 24-25, in Lake Charles, […]
Disney Hides from Parental Criticism

Like Virginia school boards last year, the Walt Disney Company is learning the power of parents fighting for their children’s innocence.
Students for Life President to Headline Summit.

Students for Life president, Kristan Hawkins, will be the keynote speaker at the 5th Annual Summit for the Survivors.
Fighting for Your Family: Arming You for Success.

Fighting for Your Family: Arming You For Success is the theme of the 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at New Ruth Institute Offices

Ruth Institute celebrates opening its new Lake Charles office with a ribbon cutting ceremony and Bishop Provost and and city officials.
Woman Who Can’t Define Woman Put on Supreme Court

The Senate put a woman who can’t define woman on the Supreme Court. She also directly refuted the idea of natural rights.
Born That Way Isn’t True

April 6, 2022 A new Gallup Poll shows the number who say they’re LGBT is rising with each generation. While 21% of Generation Z Americans told Gallup they are LGBT, only 10.5% of Millennials said they identify this way. For the population as a whole, the figure is 7.1%. Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Morse, […]
Countdown Begins for 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution

April 4, 2022 “The Sexual Revolution is just as deadly and destructive as the Russian and French Revolutions. We are proud to announce our 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of The Sexual Revolution (June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA) to expose the hidden dangers of the Sexual Revolution and explain how to counter this most […]
Jackson Nomination Shows White House Controlled by the Sexual Revolution

April 1, 2022 “I wish this were an April Fool’s joke,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., of Supreme Court nominee Jackson’s inability to define ‘woman.’ “A few years ago, a judicial nominee would have scorned that line of questioning, saying, ‘You’re kidding me, right?’ Today, with one party firmly controlled by […]
Congrats, Utah for Protecting Women’s Sports

Dr. Jennifer Morse with the Ruth Institute congratulates Utah for protecting women’s sports saying they chose “biology over gender ideology.”
Don’t Say Baby

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently issued its “Don’t Say Baby” guidelines – further dehumanizing the preborn.
Ruth Institute Summit 2022 to Explore Future of the Family

March 16, 2022 Ruth Institute Summit 2022, Ruth’s 5th Annual Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, June 24-25 in Louisiana, will cover: Understanding and Confronting the Sexual Revolution Counting the Casualties and the Medical Costs of the Sexual Revolution Demographic Winter and the Future of Freedom and Family Defending Traditional Christian Sexual Ethics […]
Ruth Institute to Provide Trans Resources

March 9, 2022 Ruth Institute to Provide Trans Resources at Cleveland Right-to-Life The Ruth Institute will have an exhibit at the Cleveland Right to Life Convention, “Bringing Life Back to America,” March 11-12, 2022, to provide resources for sidewalk counselors assisting the gender confused. “Teen girls going to Planned Parenthood for hormones and surgery to […]
Ruth Institute at Guatemala Pro-Life Conference

March 7, 2022 Ruth Institute at Guatemala Pro-Life Conference Ruth Institute Coalitions Director Don Feder will speak on “Demographic Winter: The Fatal Worldwide Fall of Fertility” March 9 at the VI Annual Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family in Guatemala City. “Rapidly declining fertility, leading inevitably to population decline, will be the crisis of the […]
U.S. Tries to Force Abortion on Dominican Republic

March 3, 2022 U.S. Tries to Force Abortion on Dominican Republic “’Progressives’ say the U.S. shouldn’t force its values on developing nations,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., “but now the Biden Administration is trying to force other nations to change their abortion laws and to accommodate homosexuality.” Catholic Bishop Victor Masalles […]
Recall of San Francisco School Board Members: Sign of Volcanic Eruption

Dr. Jennifer Morse comments on the recent recall of three school board members in San Francisco: a sign of a parental volcanic eruption.
Ukraine War Shows Danger of Demographic Winter
The Ukraine war shows danger of Demographic Winter, which might not be obvious at the outset, but shows more insight into Russia’s objective.
No One Is Born Gay

Cardinal Hollerich Is Not Following the Science Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, president of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union, announced, “The sociological-scientific foundation of [Catholic] teaching [on homosexuality] is no longer correct.” Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., countered: “With all due respect to his office, Cardinal Hollerich has […]