You only have to say you’re transgender to be transgender

“A new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Washington Post shows the expression ‘transgender’ is not only absurd, it’s meaningless,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., President of the Ruth Institute. The survey purported to show that most were happier after they’d transitioned, “though how this can be quantified is a mystery,” Morse […]

Demographer Explains Demographic Winter on Dr. J Show

A recent episode of The Dr. J Show, hosted by Ruth Institute president, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, featured noted author and demographer Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt. He explained the ramifications of worldwide falling fertility, also known as Demographic Winter. The United Nations Population Division says three-quarters of the world’s population now live in countries with below-replacement […]

The Dark Side of the Clergy

On this episode of the Dr. J show, Christine Niles discusses reporting on the dark side of the clergy in the clergy sex abuse stories with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse.

Media Prove DeSantis Right About “Banned Books”

“When several television stations cut off a live feed of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ press conference on sexually explicit books, they proved his point,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. The media and activists have accused DeSantis of book-banning for trying to remove sexually explicit books from Florida’s public schools. To defend […]

Pope Francis calls out Gender Ideology

“We were delighted to see Pope Francis deliver a stinging rebuke to gender ideology,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. In an interview with the Argentinian media outlet La Nacion, the Pope called gender ideology, “The most dangerous ideological colonization today” by “virtually eliminating the differences between men and women.” Morse agreed: […]

Don’t Let Sexual Revolutionaries Redefine Childhood

A Pennsylvania English teacher is teaching children about the most intimate aspects of human sexuality. For older kids, these include photos of genitalia. “This should be filed under ‘I thought I’d heard it all,’” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Lesbian Custody Battle Shows Obergefell Wrongly Decided

A lesbian ex-wife lost custody of “her” son to the child’s biological parents. Gay-rights activists are in an uproar. The boy’s mother conceived him while civilly married to another woman. They chose a “gay” donor from a website. Post-birth, the mother left her “wife” and moved in with the child’s biological father. Her ex sued […]

Mothers Stand Up For Their Children

In this episode Tiffany Justice talks with Dr. Morse about how mothers are standing up, and what today’s mother can do to protect childhood.

Levine wants to replace non-affirming parents of “trans” kids

“The views of Assistant Secretary for Health Richard Levine, who calls himself ‘Rachel,’ are typical of the trans movement’s assault on parents,” said Ruth Institute President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. While calling a Florida parental rights law a “gag rule,” Levine said it would be wonderful if parents of gender-confused children could be “replaced” […]

What Should We Think About the Pavone Affair?

Without dismissing these legitimate questions, I would like to focus on two questions. First, how should faithful Catholics respond to the Pavone Affair, and second, what should Frank Pavone himself do or not do?  

Sixties Sex Symbol Knew the Importance of Family

Is marriage still a viable option? I’m ashamed to admit that I myself have been married four times. And yet I still feel that it is the cornerstone of civilization, an essential institution that stabilizes society, provides a sanctuary for children and saves us from anarchy.

African Anglican Churches Rebuke Church of England’s Heresy on Same-Sex Unions

Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Morse, Ph.D. congratulated the Anglican Churches of Africa for opposing the Church of England on its same-sex heresy. “At its recent synod, the Church of England wanted to have it both ways,” Morse said. “It decided to allow its priests to bless same-sex couples while claiming to maintain its historic […]

Ruth Inst. Applauds Florida Court Overturning Therapy Ban

A federal appeals court recently overturned a Tampa, Florida, ban on what gay activists call “conversation therapy” for minors. “This is more accurately called talk therapy, which does no harm and can do a lot of good,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback, Ph.D. “Lifting the ban will allow minors with unwanted same-sex attraction […]

‘Dead Name’ — the Transgender Issue Affects the Whole Family

COMMENTARY: Understated new film allows parents to tell their heartbreaking story. by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse at National Catholic Register, February 1, 2023 Many people are becoming aware of the serious threat the transgender ideology poses to the health and well-being of children and family. Many are aware of the risks associated with medical interventions […]

Listen Closely to Pop Singer’s Heartfelt Testimony: Abortion Regret Is Real

COMMENTARY: To love and to be loved is at the heart of what it means to be human. Kaya Jones found out, the sexual revolution assures us that ‘love is love,’ all the while rewriting the real meaning of lifelong, self-giving love. By Jennifer Roback Morse at NCRegister. “Kaya Jones, a former singer for The Pussycat […]

Minnesota Requires Teachers To Affirm

Here Fr. Rob Jack and Dr. Morse are talking about Minnesota attempting to require teachers to affirm the trans agenda in order to become certified. In other words, people of faith need not apply. 

The Sexual State Compels Teachers to Affirm Trans Agenda

“Normal decent people do not want the Trans Agenda crammed down their children’s throats. Nor do ordinary teachers who love children want to promote it. Trans Agenda indoctrination can only be accomplished with the compulsion of the State,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Morse was responding to new Minnesota public school […]

On the Passing of Pope Benedict XVI and His Service to Truth

COMMENTARY: While his handling of clergy sexual abuse and his unprecedented resignation from the papacy give rise to legitimate criticisms, on balance he made a positive contribution in both cases. Jennifer Roback Morse January 3, 2023 at National Catholic Register Two themes dominate the assessment of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI’s life and pontificate: […]

Retired Navy SEAL: Transitioning Destroyed My Life

“The case of an ex-Navy SEAL, who lived as a woman for almost 10 years, highlights the transgender movement’s exploitation of the vulnerable,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

American Girl Jumps on the Gender Agenda Bandwagon

The larger point here is for all of us to become more alert to just how pervasive the propaganda war really is. We need to learn to guard our minds against the subtle and not-so-subtle manipulation of language. 

Schumer’s Labor Shortage Plan Is an Insult to Our Intelligence

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D, NY) suggests amnesty for illegal immigrants to solve our labor shortage problem. “That’s an insult to our intelligence,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. Schumer said, “We’re short of workers. We have a population that’s not reproducing on its own with the same level it used […]

DeSantis School Committee Endorsees Win

“Ron DeSantis is the first Florida governor to endorse candidates in local school committee races,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “And 24 out of 30 of his endorsees won, including in the Democratic stronghold of Dade County.” “They won principally by supporting parental rights in education,” Morse noted. “Sadly, America’s schools […]

DC Schools Push Transgenderism With Surveys

“This is an outrageous invasion of privacy and a blatant attempt to promote transgenderism,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., of a survey distributed to DC children as young as 11. “The survey asks students about their ‘gender identity’ and ‘sexual orientation,’ but children do not normally ask themselves whether they are […]

Welcome, Baby 8 Billion!

Commentary: Powerful People have spent billions of dollar pushing the morally offensive idea that there is an ‘over-population crisis,’ but facts prove otherwise. by Jennifer Roback Morse October 24, 2022 at National Catholic Register The United Nations’ Population Division predicts we’ll hit 8 billion people on Nov. 15. No doubt, the usual suspects will be […]

Parents: Allow Your Children to Transition or Be Punished

A Virginia legislator wants to punish parents who refuse to support their child’s ‘gender transitioning.’ “This is a classic case of Sexual Revolutionaries using force to achieve their goals,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., president of the Ruth Institute. Democratic delegate Elizabeth Guzman wants to expand the definition of child abuse and neglect to […]

Authentic Respect for Marriage: Forget the ‘Respect for Marriage Act’

COMMENTARY: Redefining marriage was bad public policy in Obergefell in 2015 and it is bad public policy in HR 8404 today. Here’s why. by Jennifer Roback Morse October 7, 2022 at National Catholic Register The authors of the cynically misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” have whipped up hysteria over the possibility that the overturn of […]

FBI Raid Shows the Sexual State At Work

The arrest at gunpoint of a pro-life activist in Pennsylvania in an early morning raid by at least 15 heavily armed 15 FBI agents demonstrates the Sexual State at work

The Rosary: Pray It in Public and Without Apology

COMMENTARY: Questions to consider in responding to The Atlantic magazine’s Rosary fiasco. by Jennifer Roback Morse September 9, 2022, in National Catholic Register One of the most aggressive pro-abortion slogans is “Abortion on Demand and Without Apology.” People who talk like this believe they are building a good and decent society. No matter what they […]

Peppa Pig Promotes Fatherlessness

In an episode with two lesbian mothers, Peppa Pig promotes fatherlessness to children while propagandizing for the Sexual Revolution.

The Original Religion of Life

Cecily Routman explains to Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse about the pro-life roots of Judaism and how it protected life from the beginning.

Abortion Risks The Mother And Baby

Dr. Jennifer Morse and Dr. Donna Harrison of AAPLOG discuss how abortion risks the mother and baby and how the Hippocratic Oath protects both.