A Survivor of Occult Clergy Abuse Tells Her Story

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Rachel Mastrogiacomo about being groomed and abused in an occult ceremony by a seminarian.
Continuing A Pro-Life Legacy

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Dr. Alveda King to discuss what the next steps are for the Pro-life movement in the wake of Dobbs.
Reintegrative Therapy Heals Same-Sex Trauma

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Dr. Joseph Nicolosi to discuss how reintigrative therapy heals same sex trauma.
Is In-Vitro Fertilization Ethical?

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Stephanie Gray Connors to discuss whether in-vitro fertilization is ethical.
A Post-Roe Strategy For The Family

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with David Bereit about what to do after Roe is overturned and how to promote the family.
Abortion Pill Reversal – Christa Brown

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Maria Miravalle, spiritual director for Cornerstone of Hope, and discusses how she helps grieving persons.
Maria Miravalle – Hope after Grief

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Maria Miravalle, spiritual director for Cornerstone of Hope, and discusses how she helps grieving persons.
Jennifer Lahl Speaks up for Children

Dr. Jennifer Morse, president of the Ruth Institute, visits with Jennifer Lahl, president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network.
Heartbeat International Rescues Lives-At-Risk

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International, and discusses abortion pill reversal among other things.
Survivors of the Gay and Lesbian Lifestyle

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with Fr. Paul Sullins and two survivors of the gay and lesbian lifestyle: Charlene Cothran and Paul Darrow.
Pro-life Leaders Panel – Learning from the Past

Dr. Jennifer Morse visits with pro-life leaders Jim Garlow, Arnold Culbreath, and Eric Scheidler and discusses learned lessons from the past.
Dr. Yenor – Progressive Philosophy Has No Room For Love

Dr. Scott Yenor visits with Dr. Jennifer Morse on the Dr. J Show and discusses modern philosophy’s lack of emphasis on marriage and family.
Trans Identity Challenged – Van Meter, Brewer, Keffler

Transgender Kid, Parent & Pediatrician Speak Out | Van Meter, Brewer, Keffler | The Dr J Show ep 133 May 20, 2022 Maria Keffler is a co-founder of International Partners for Ethical Care, which seeks to halt the unethical medicalization of children for profit. She is also a co-founder of the Arlington Parent Coalition, a […]
Walt Heyer on The Dr J Show

Detransitioner Speaks Out | Walt Heyer on The Dr J Show ep 132 May 13, 2022 Walt Heyer was a husband, father and corporate executive who underwent gender reassignment surgery at the age of 42, going from “male” to “female.” Eight years later, Walt went back to living as a man again and has been […]
Wesley J Smith – A Call for Medical Ethics

A Call for Medical Ethics | Wesley J Smith on The Dr J Show ep. 131 May 6, 2022 Wesley J. Smith is Chair and Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. Wesley is a contributor to National Review and is the author of 14 books, in recent years focusing on human […]
Sidewalk Advocates for Life’s Lauren Muzyka on The Dr J Show ep. 130

Apr 29, 2022 Lauren Muzyka is the founder, president, and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, the nation’s largest sidewalk outreach training program. Lauren is a licensed attorney with more than 20 years of experience in sidewalk outreach. Lauren participated in the very first 40 Days for Life campaign, and she went on to serve […]
Dr. John Grabowski on the Dr J Show

Apr 22, 2022 Unraveling Gender | Dr. John Grabowski | The Dr J Show ep. 129 John S. Grabowski is currently a Professor of Moral Theology/Ethics at the Catholic University of America where he has taught for over thirty years. He has served three terms as a theological advisor to the U.S.C.C.B. Committee on Laity, […]
John-Henry Westen on The Dr J Show

Meet the Pro-Life Reporter Who Can’t Be Silenced | John-Henry Westen on The Dr J Show ep. 128 Apr 15, 2022 John-Henry is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews.com. He hosts the John-Henry Westen Show, a regular weekly video show in which John-Henry offers commentary on the most important news developments in the Church and […]
Dr. Laura Haynes – Banning Talk Therapy

Bans on Talk Therapy are Heterophobic Bigotry | Dr. Laura Haynes on The Dr J Show ep. 127 Apr 8, 2022 Dr. Laura Haynes retired from psychological clinical practice after more than 40 years. She now speaks and writes about same-sex attraction and discordant gender-sex identity change. She served on the board of the International […]
The Research doesn’t Lie! Conversion Therapy Harmless?

Conversion Therapy Harmless? | Special Edition Dr J show with Father Sullins | Ep. 126 Apr 1, 2022 Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) – not conversion therapy – is the proper term for efforts to decrease unwanted sexual attraction, and are centered around talk therapy. Father Sullins digs into the research claims that SOCE is […]
Dr. Christine Bacon – Standing for Marriage!

Standing Up For My Marriage | Dr Christine Bacon on The Dr J Show ep. 125 Mar 25, 2022 Dr. Christine Bacon is an author, international speaker, relationship coach and radio host of Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor on WKQA AM1110 in Virginia and North Carolina. Her radio shows as well as her video […]
Dr. Pat Fagan – The Truth Is Not Politically Correct

Dr. Pat Fagan on The Dr J Show ep. 124 March 18, 2022 Dr. Pat Fagan is Founder and Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI) at the Family Research Council (now a part of The Catholic University of America). He is also a professional therapist specializing in child, family and marital therapy […]
Critical Race Theory? A Black Perspective

Dr. Carol Swain on The Dr J Show ep. 123 March 11, 2022 From high school dropout and teenage mother to highly accomplished university professor and public intellectual, Dr. Carol M. Swain is passionate about empowering others to confidently raise their voices in the public square. Dr. Carol Swain is an award-winning political scientist and […]
A Criminal Investigator’s Perspective on Child Sex Abuse

Douglas Kasten on The Dr J Show ep 122 March 4, 2022 Douglas Kasten was born and raised in Southern Illinois on his family’s farm, the oldest of three siblings. After college, he received an M.Div. from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, and served as an assistant pastor in rural Nebraska for two years. He […]
Standing Up For My Marriage with Dr. Christine Bacon

Dr Christine Bacon on The Dr J Show ep. 125 March 25, 2022 Dr. Christine Bacon is an author, international speaker, relationship coach and radio host of Breakfast with Bacon: The Relationship Doctor on WKQA AM1110 in Virginia and North Carolina. Her radio shows as well as her video podcasts of the same name can […]
The Fight for Justice with Tara Wicker

February 25, 2022 Louisiana Southern Belle Tells It Like It Is | Tara Wicker | The Dr J Show ep. 121 Tara Wicker is the State Director of Louisiana Black Advocates for Life. An activist and community leader in the fight for life, justice, and righteousness. Her conviction to speak up for those who cannot […]
Childress Tells It Like It Is – Dr J Show (Video)

Childress Tells It Like It Is | Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr | The Dr J. Show ep. 120 In 2007 Rev Childress produced the website Obamanation.com to respectfully oppose the candidacy of Barack Obama due to his partnership with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry. In 2013 Rev Childress, along with Day Gardner, held […]
The Deterioration of the Black Family

Apostle Arnold M. Culbreath appears on the Dr. J Show and discusses the deterioration of the black family.
The Canonization of Fr. Augustus Tolton

Bishop Joseph Perry on The Dr J Show Feb 4, 2022 The Canonization of Fr. Augustus Tolton — Bishop Joseph Perry on The Dr J Show Bishop Joseph N. Perry is a native of Chicago and has served as an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Chicago since 1998. Bishop Perry is vice-president of the […]
How Vaccine Mandates & the Sexual Revolution are the Same | Dr Douglas Farrow

Dr. Douglas Farrow is Professor of Theology and Ethics at McGill University in Montreal. Among his recent works are Ascension Theology, Desiring a Better Country, Theological Negotiations, and the Brazos Theological Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. One of his most popular works, against the rising tide of same-sex “marriage,” is Nation of Bastards. Dr. […]
Defend the Sanctity of Life in under 1 Minute | Scott Klusendorf

Scott Klusendorf travels throughout the United States and Canada training pro-life advocates to persuasively defend their views in the public square. He contends that the pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas if properly understood and properly articulated. Scott has appeared on nationally syndicated Christian programs such as Focus on the Family, the […]
The Filipino Family In Danger | Timothy Laws

Lies of the National Cancer Institute are exposed by Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a breast cancer surgeon in New Jersey for 33 years.
A Second Chance at Choice | Dr. George Delgado
Dr. George Delgado is the medical director of Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) and Culture of Life Family Health Care. Dr. Delgado published the first peer-reviewed article in the medical literature describing the reversal of mifepristone (RU 486) using progesterone. He then established Abortion Pill Reversal, a program that connects women who have changed their minds […]
Children’s Books Expert Blows The Lid Off School Libraries | Deborah DeGroff
Deborah DeGroff became interested in the subject of children’s books when her oldest child began to read. While perusing the then-current literature of the eighties, she noted the qualitative difference between those books and the books she had read as a child. Upon more investigation, her curiosity shifted to concern. Thus began a lifetime of […]
No Battle of the Sexes | Dr. Stephen Baskerville
Dr. Stephen Baskerville is an expert in the politics surrounding family court and divorce. He is widely recognized as a leading authority on fatherhood, family policy, and sexual politics. His writings have appeared in leading national and international publications such as the Washington Post, Washington Times, Independent Review, Salisbury Review, Society, The American Conservative, Chronicles, […]
Clergy Pedophilia Destroys the Whole Family

Clergy pedophilia destroys more than the immediate victim. Alex’s younger brother was molested by a priest and shares the painful story.
Susan Constantine and Her Evaluation of Sam Brinton

Susan Constantine, MPsy, discusses with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse her Behavior Lab analysis of Sam Brinton and his story. Sam was made a poster child for the Trevor Project as he told his story about the supposed horrors of conversion therapy. He discussed the forced treatment he received which tried to change his sexual orientation, which included shock therapy, electrocution, heat and coils, needles, government killing of people, a suicide attempt, and abuse from his father. She and her team at the Human Behavior Lab analyzed multiple tellings of his story (which is publicly available on social media) to determine whether or not he was being deceptive or truthful.
Lies of the National Cancer Institute

Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a breast cancer surgeon who practiced 33 years in New Jersey (1984-2017). A graduate of Georgetown School of Medicine, she is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and certified by the American Board of Surgery. She was surgical co-director of the Sanofi Breast Care Center at the Steeplechase Cancer Center in Somerville, New Jersey for 10 years.
Natural Family Planning: Do you know what’s going on with your body?

Jackie Aguilar is an expert in the field of fertility regulation through natural means. She teaches both the Couple to Couple league and the Creighton Methods of Natural Family Planning. She is also a board member of Natural Womanhood.
Radical Feminism’s Anti-Mary Agenda Exposed

Dr. Carrie Gress’s latest book is The Anti-Mary Exposed. Women are caught between a rock and a hard place. The prevailing political correctness tells us that we are nothing unless we conform ourselves to men —and not even just that, but the toxic masculinity offered by the world.
Studies prove covered-up Abortion Breast Cancer link

Dr. Joel Brind, Ph.D. has been a Professor of Biology and Endocrinology at Baruch College of the City University of New York for 28 years and a medical research biochemist since 1981. Long specializing in steroid biosynthesis and metabolism and endocrine-related cancers, his research has exposed the causal connection between abortion and breast cancer. Ostracized […]
The Pill Kills Women and They Deserve to Know

Grace Emily Stark and Dr J discuss the history of birth control and the need for a more authentic vision of women’s health and reproductive care.
Anthony Gorgia Is Suing for Discrimination against Heterosexuals.

Anthony Gorgia was a seminarian at the receiving end of unwanted sexual attention even as he was trying to complete his studies to enter the priesthood.
Don’t Use Their Language! Understanding How Words are Redefined

In this, our second Dr. J Show with Dr. Oas, she discusses the manipulation of words by organizations intent on increasing abortion, artificial contraception, and other forms of so-called “Family Planning.”
Why Do We Treat Doctors Like Baristas?

Dr. Michael Parker has spoken nationally and internationally on topics related to physician burnout, Natural Family Planning, infertility and side effects of contraception.
This Pediatrician is Speaking Out Against the Culture in Medicine

During his term as President of the AAP, Dr. Zanga focused on several major issues, including preprofessional education, workforce, child abuse and other violence prevention, substance abuse prevention, children and the media, sexually transmitted infections/adolescent health, and financial access to health care for all children. He also promoted the importance of family for the health and well-being of children.
Trans Awareness: What Having a Trans Father REALLY is Like

Denise Shick is the founder and executive director of Help 4 Families Ministry. Help4Families networks hurting family members with resources, Christian counselors, and personal/group supports.
How The American Academy of Pediatrics Abandoned Kids for Politics

Quentin Van Meter has a long history of advocacy for children through the American Academy of Pediatrics where he served as Chairman of the Uniformed Services West Chapter. Once he moved to Georgia, he became active in that AAP Chapter as Legislative Chairman and Newsletter Editor. He is continually frustrated by the political bent of the National AAP and wants to continue his advocacy role with the College as an organization that actually works for children and their families by strengthening the role of the family without using a lens that focuses only on what is politically correct or expedient.
Teaching True Gender Identity to Children

DJ Hueneman is the Director of Training and Formation at Ruah Woods Press. DJ has been blessed to introduce thousands of educators to the work of Theology Of The Body through on-site formation.
Summit 2021 Awards Dinner
Come listen to our three awardees for activism this year. You can find more of their content by purchasing a virtual conference pass from this year’s Summit.
We Need to Take Pornography Seriously. Clear Your Eyes and Mind
and live an authentic Catholic vision for life and love. For over 15 years, Steve has been sharing his unique style of delivery, which captivates audiences of all ages, especially with his witty yet sincere personality.
Dr. J with David Gray! Defending the Family
On Talking Catholic Tonight LIVE, Dr, Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder and President of the Ruth Institute will on talking about her work, paths to racial reconciliation, and the upcoming Fourth Annual Awards Dinner and Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, which will honor Pro-life leader Rev. Walter Hoye II.
Walt Heyer Left Being Trans

Walt Heyer was a husband, father and corporate executive who underwent gender reassignment surgery at the age of 42, going from "male", to "female.", Eight years later, Walt went back to living as a man again and has been restored to his male gender for 30 years and married for over 20 years. Now Walt has a passion to help others who regret so-called “gender change” and equally passionate about protecting children from irreversible medical interventions. Walt has appeared on CNN, the BBC and Russia’s Channel One, and participated in scores of other radio and TV media events including Laura Ingram, Glenn Beck and Candace Owens. Walt Heyer has spoken at conferences around the world and his story has been featured in countless articles and documentaries. He’s written over 60 articles for USA Today, The Federalist, Public Discourse and Daily Signal, and authored 7 books, including “Trans Life Survivors” and “Paper Genders.” Readings &, Resources www.sexchangeregret.com waltheyer.com Walt’s story in brief (youtube/9lpkrPLHHHY) video: I Want My Sex Back (youtube/-pxxBQm114k) books from the sexchangeregret.com bookstore, including Articles of Impeachment Against Sex Change Surgery, Trans Life Survivors Paper Genders – reveals how the idea of changing genders was set in motion by a small group of pedophile activists Gender, Lies and Suicide Perfected With Love": https://sexchangeregret.com/bookstore/ articles "It’s Not Just ‘Gender Dysphoria.’ It’s Now ‘Rapid Onset Marxism,’", by Walt Heyer "Transgender Clinics are Ruining Young Lives,", by Walt Heyer
Reaching Black Pastors with A Pro-Life Message.
Walter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, co-founder and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center (providing free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas), a published author (Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out), a board member of The Ruth Institute, a full-time pro-life activist, and a leadership consultant. As a young man, Walter played football at Michigan State University, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Sociology. He graduated from the United States International University, now Alliant International University, with a Master’s degree in Business Administration in 1983. In 1984, God used the premature birth of his firstborn son (six months, 2.1 pounds) to teach Rev. Hoye that the preborn is a person, a living &, breathing human being. Walter is an ordained Baptist minister. He served as Minister of Christian Education at the St. John Missionary Baptist Church in Oceanside, California, as Assistant to the Pastor and Director of the Youth Department at the Greater Faith Baptist Church in Stockton, California, and as the Executive Elder of the Progressive Missionary Baptist Church of Berkeley. In May of 2010, Walter resigned to work full-time in the Pro-Life movement. He was asked to join a group of pro-life sidewalk counselors, to pray and give out literature to women on their way to the entrance of an abortuary. His ministry blossomed so much that the abortuary lost a great deal of business, and they complained to the Oakland authorities, who literally created a law just to put Rev. Hoye in jail. Though in court Rev. Hoye and his attorney from Life Legal Defense proved both that Walter did absolutely nothing illegal and that the only witness against him blatantly lied, the pro-abortion judge made sure Rev. Hoye unjustly went to jail, which he did. The judge, in fa
Understanding SOCE (Sexual Orientation Change Efforts)
The Rev. D. Paul Sullins, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Associate of the Ruth Institute. He recently retired as Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. Dr. Sullins is a leader in the field of research on same-sex parenting and its implications for child development. He has written four books and over 100 journal articles, research reports, and essays on issues of family, faith, and culture. His reports on clerical sexual abuse from the Pennsylvania Grand Jury data, John Jay data, LA Times, and other sources have garnered international acclaim. Dr. Sullins continues as Research Professor and Director of the Leo Initiative for Social Research at Catholic University, as well as Director of the Summer Institute of Catholic Social Thought. He also serves on the board of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS), the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM), and the Natural Family Journal. He is a Fellow of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute (MARRI), and was an Ignatius Loyola Fellow for Catholic Identity at the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education. Formerly Episcopalian, Dr. Sullins is a married Catholic priest. He and his wife, Patricia, have an inter-racial family of three children, two adopted. He serves as Associate Pastor of the Church of Saint Mark the Evangelist, Hyattsville, MD. Readings &, Resources Keeping The Vow: The Untold Story of Married Catholic Priests, by Fr. Paul Sullins "Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men,", by D. Paul Sullins. Makes the case that SOCE can be effective and with generally positive psychosocial benefits. This study restates, with improvements, a study based on the same data which had been retracted two years ago. ", ‘Gay conversion therapy’ can work, no matter what Joe Biden says,", by Michael Cook, recent review of this article in Mercatornet "Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) *Reduce* Suicide: Correcting a False Re
Get Power to Push Back Against the Culture: Summit Attendee’s Stories.
Meet Jim, Gail, and Jackie! Last year we got to meet them at the Summit, our annual conference. We’d like to share what they’re up to as we put the final preparations in place for our Summit this year. More information, readings, and resources below cut. The Simple Truth, hosted by Jim Havens, airs each weekday from 4-5pm (ET) on The Station of the Cross Radio Network. Jim received his masters in Theology from Franciscan University, and his bachelors degree in Media Studies from the University at Buffalo. He also has a masters of fine arts in Screenwriting from Hollins University. Jim has more than 15 years of experience in apostolic work with Catholic parishes, schools, organizations, and media. "The goal of my ‘career’ is to live my mission: to love God and love people by leading young and old deeper into the transforming, life-giving reality of Jesus and His Catholic Church. Beyond seeking to live my primary vocation of husband and father to the full, I want to use everything I am to help lead others to their true greatness in Christ.", Gail Finke is the producer of Driving Home the Faith, a Catholic radio show broadcast from Cincinnati on the Sacred Heart Radio network. Involved with Sacred Heart Radio since her days as an intern, Gail has worked as a writer, editor, and author, ran the local Catholic web magazine, The Catholic Beat, and designed The Catholic Telegraph. Gail is from Pennsylvania, a revert to the Catholic faith whose most recent non-media job was at Greater Cincinnati Right to Life. She has two grown children and likes to attend FC Cincinnati matches with her husband. Jackie Aguilar is an expert in the field of fertility regulation through natural means. She teaches both the Couple to Couple League and the Creighton Methods of Natural Family Planning. She is also a board member of Natural Womanhood. Jackie graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelors in marketing. After an extremely frustrating experience with the birth control pill that diminished her physical attraction
We Need to Stop the Killing
Fr Stephen Imbarrato, a pro-life activist, commonly referred to as the “Protest Priest,” has made regular appearances on EWTN Catholic TV and is one of the leaders of the Red Rose Rescue movement. Fr Stephen believes we can end preborn child killing peacefully yet decisively…and sooner than we may think is possible. While attending Holy Apostles Seminary, Father helped start a crisis pregnancy center across the street from an abortion business. He explains, “…being across from the abortion mill showed me how important it is to have ministries of life directly across from the gates of death.” Ordained in May of 2005 for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Father Stephen learned of a small adoration chapel located directly across from a Planned Parenthood facility in Albuquerque. Using the chapel as a focal point and prompted by the Holy Spirit to rejuvenate Project Life–which was dedicated to prayer vigils and sidewalk counseling in front of Planned Parenthood–Father Stephen gathered a group of laypeople, forming the Project Defending Life. Readings &, Resources Men’s March for Life in Washington D.C., June 12th: themensmarch.com please consider making a donation to offset Fr Stephen’s Red Rose Rescue expenses and other costs. (Fr Stephen earns no income from his pro-life activism. All donations go directly to support his pro-life ministry.) Protest Child Killing: protestchildkilling.com follow Fr Stephen: lifeministriesus.org Red Rose Rescues: redroserescue.com Fr Stephen’s social media links Facebook: facebook.com/FrStephenImb YouTube Channel contact Father Stephen at frstephen@defendinglife.org American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists: aaplog.org Follow Fr Stephen’s pro-life travels across the country: On the Road for Life
The FULL Transition Story. Is There a Happy Ending?
Billy Burleigh struggled with his sexual identity since the age of five. His first memory of this struggle was standing in front of the school he was attending, looking at all the other kids, wondering where he belonged, and having this thought, “God made a mistake, I’m a girl.” Billy did not share this thought with anyone but continued on to graduate from high school. He graduated college with a Bachelors and a Masters in Mechanical Engineering, and he swam competitively for the college he attended. On the outside, it appeared that Billy had it all pulled together. But the struggle in Billy’s mind about his sexual identity did not go away. Billy fought his thoughts for years before agreeing with his thoughts. He transitioned to appearing as a woman, changed his legal documents, and presented as a woman for about seven years. But the problems he was trying to resolve only became worse. At this point Billy called out to God, he gave both his life and all of his problems to God. Now, Billy is married to a beautiful lady, has two daughters, a son-in-law, and is living for God. Readings &, Resources I Want My Sex Back: Transgender Regret (documentary featuring Billy), on YouTube Freedom In Christ International Ministries, ficm.org – discipleship material Freedom In Christ bookstore: freedominchrist.com book on spiritual warfare as discussed with Burleigh, The Spiritual Combat: and a Treatise on Peace of Soul, Tan Publishing Otto Koning’s "The Snake Story", Otto Koning’s "The Pineapple Story", Dr J Shows featuring detransitioners, including Erin Brewer’s "Warning from a Former Trans Child", and "I am going to be a Boy, it will keep me Safe", contact Billy: bfbtri@comcast.net
How The Gender Industry Profits Off Vulnerable Kids
Maria Keffler is a co-founder of International Partners for Ethical Care, which seeks to halt the unethical medicalization of children for profit. Ms. Keffler is also a co-founder of the Arlington Parent Coalition, a watchdog group in Arlington, VA, which works to safeguard parents’ rights and children’s safety in public education. An author, speaker, and teacher with a background in educational psychology, Ms. Keffler has fought to protect children from unethical activism and dangerous policies around sexuality and transgender ideology since 2018. She lives in Arlington, Virginia (USA), with her husband and three teenage children. Readings &, Resources Partners for Ethical Care: partnersforethicalcare.com PEC’s "Commonsense Care", video series (also available on YouTube) Desist, Detrans, &, Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult, by Maria Keffler, available through Partners for Ethical Care or on Amazon "Billionaires Funding Transgender Movement for Profit,", by Jennifer Bilek at The Standard "The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement,", by Jennifer Bilek at First Things "Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?", by Jennifer Bilek at The Perimeter the Ruth Institute’s Survivor’s Summit 2021
The Secret Money Backing The Sexual Left
Hayden Ludwig is a Senior Investigative Researcher at Capital Research Center. He is also a columnist at the Washington Free Beacon. Ludwig is a native of Orange County, California, and holds a Master’s of Public Policy from George Mason University. Readings &, Resources "Soros-backed liberals try to get US bishops’ pro-life chair fired for criticizing pro-abortion Biden,", on the LifeSiteNews petition defending Archbishop Naumann Dr J Show featuring Dr. Ronald J. Rychlak, expert on disinformation Hayden Ludwig’s articles include: "Swiss Billionaire Gave Millions to Eric Holder’s Partisan Gerrymandering Group", at the Dawson County Journal "Warren Buffett’s Foundation Has Poured $4 Billion into Pro-Abortion Advocacy", at the Capital Research Center "Sunrise Movement Radicals Switch Climate Change to ‘Climate Justice’ ", at Cornwall Alliance ", ‘Creation Care’ Is a Secular Agenda Disguised as Christianity", at the Capital Research Center COMMENTARY: ", ‘Creation Care’ Means Controlling People, Not the Environment", at CBN.com "Faithful America’s Faithless Attacks on Amy Coney Barrett—Courtesy of George Soros", at the Capital Research Center "Mapping the Open Society Network on Soros’s 90th Birthday", at the Capital Research Center "Tides Is the Tip of the Anti-Police Spear", at the Capital Research Center "Meet the Swiss Billionaire Behind Arabella Advisors’ “Dark Money” Empire", at the Capital Research Center "Leftist Dark Money Funds ‘Conservatives’ To Stab Trump Voters In The Back", at The Federalist "Inside the Foreign-Funded “Hub Project” to Transform America", at the Capital Research Center "How Mark Zuckerberg Almost Handed Texas To The Democrats", at the Capital Research Center Hayden Ludwig videos "The Left’s Hypocrisy on Dark Money,", on YouTube "Who is Swiss Billionaire Hansjörg Wyss?", on YouTube "How the Green New Deal is a Trojan Horse for Totalitarian Governmen
Science, Schools, and Government Support Unhealthy Transgenderism
Jane Robbins is an attorney and retired senior fellow with the American Principles Project in Washington D.C. At APP she worked on issues related to education, parental rights, and religious freedom, she testified about these issues before Congress and the legislatures of 12 states. Since retiring from APP she has focused on issues related to the sexualization of children in schools, healthcare, and the culture at large. Her articles on these topics have been published in numerous national media outlets. She also serves on the board of a new organization called American Achievement Testing, which is developing a traditional U.S. history curriculum to be offered to high schools as an alternative to current Leftist models. She is a graduate of Clemson University and the Harvard Law School. "The administrative state book was written several years ago with two of my APP colleagues. It’s an attempt to delve deeper into how the bureaucracy of the federal government really dictates so much state and local policy. It does have a couple of chapters about education — how we got to the pathetic state we’re in — and the chapter about rigged federal research is especially applicable to the trans issue.", Readings &, Resources The Suicide Myth (PDF) Child and Parental Rights Campaign – website for a law firm that represents parents who are fighting schools, bureaucrats, and doctors to protect their confused children: childparentrights.org CPRC’s school resource guide "Navigating the Transgender Landscape", Detransition stories from The Dr J Show Mary Rice Hasson at the Ethics &, Public Policy Center: Gender Identity Resources (via the Catholic Women’s Forum) The American College of Pediatricians’ "Position Statement on Gender Dysphoria in Children", series: "The Impossibility of Informed Consent for Transgender Interventions:", by Jane Robbins at The Public Discourse "The Paradigm", "The Risks", "Exploiting Child Suicide To Bully Parents Of Trans Kids Is The Ul
What do Therapists Think About The Priestly Sexual Abuse Crisis?
Shasha Kleinsorge, Ph.D. is a Secular Carmelite and a private practice clinical psychologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan specializing in psychodynamic therapy. Therese Cirner MA, LPC has a private practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan specializing in trauma recovery and life transitions. Karen Klein Villa, Ph.D. is a clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in Brighton, Michigan for the past 20 years. She specializes in integrating interpersonal neurobiology, psychoanalytic psychotherapy and development. Readings &, Resources "Clergy Sex Abuse: Why Do We Still Need to Talk About This?", by Sasha Kleinsorge, Therese Cirner, and Karen Klein Villa Dr Morse after Hurricane Laura, on trauma (Facebook video) for Catholic therapists: Catholic Therapists’ Forum Facebook group For laypeople and clergy to interface / dialogue with victim support groups: Spirit Fire at spiritfirelive.wordpress.com highly recommended: documentary Betrayal: Abuse in the Catholic Church (The Fifth Estate) on YouTube
Children Shouldn’t Sacrifice Their Happiness for Ours

Them Before Us, has flipped the script on adult-centric attitudes toward marriage, parenthood, and reproductive technologies by framing these issues around a child’s right to be raised by both their mother and father.
Lawfare: How Sexual Revolutionaries Bully Using The Legal System
Charles LiMandri is an attorney for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. Since 1983, he has litigated over a dozen high-profile civil law and pro-bono religious liberty cases in state and federal courts as well as before the United States Supreme Court. These cases include defending the Mount Soledad Cross, David Daleiden, the Center for […]
Transitioning isn’t a cure. Hear the Whole Story
Detransitioner Maritza Cummings: What is it like to be born in the wrong body? Where did this phenomenon come from? I will explain my view point and lived experience that I’ve been through for the past 38 years. First, I lived as a lesbian for 22 years, then I transitioned and lived as a male transsexual for an additional 17 years. I was born in Havana, Cuba. My mother was given a form of estrogen to prevent miscarriages. She was able to carry me to term, but not without ramifications. I dealt with all sorts of health issues ranging from asthma to reproductive female issues. I had a deeper voice, bad menses, and a slew of emotional and neurological instabilities. I was sexually molested from the age of 8 to the age of 12. I was socially awkward and did not fit in with other kids. I was mature for my age and preferred the company of adults over children in my age group. My parents were dysfunctional. My father was an abusive alcoholic and control freak, my mother was emotionally incapable of dealing with my demands –she was a very ill woman and was very spoiled by my grandmother. I truly believe that many of our childhood traumas come back to haunt us as adults. Many unresolved emotional issues show themselves in various faucets of disassociation and grief, to the point we create poor coping skills to mask the real pain. I believe same-sex attraction stems from rejection, sexual abuse, and/or a mother or a father wound. Readings &, Resources "Ritz Returns: The Journey:", youtu.be/C3F_55EAQDc Transition Radio Show: www.youtube.com/user/markangeloc blogs Maritza: The Search For Truth – maritzacummingscorner.wordpress.com No Fear Of Change Or Growth The Awareness Transition Is Not The Cure Help Me Understand Transition Radio Show Blog – transitionradio.blogspot.com my Patreon account where people can read, "Maritza’s Return To Grace.", I started writing this short story of my life, a miniature book if you will, during the Summer of 2019. If you really want to understand my life and story, this i
A Warning from a Former-Trans Child
Erin Brewer developed a trans identity in first grade. She did everything she could to be a boy. Her teacher sent her to the school psychologist for assessment because her behavior was concerning. Thankfully the school psychologist did not affirm her, instead she came up with a plan for her mother and teacher to help Erin manage her difficult feelings. It took years for Erin’s trans identity to resolve but she is thankful that she got the help she needed to address the underlying cause of her trans identity rather than being told she was born in the wrong body and inherently flawed. Erin grew up in Salt Lake City and earned a B.S. from Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts. She has a Doctorate in Instructional Technology and Learning Science from Utah State University. Erin shares her deeply personal story to help others understand the damage that is being done to our children by the transgender movement. Readings &, Resources Erin’s YouTube channel Partners for Ethical Care (PFEC): partnersforethicalcare.com PFEC podcasts: partnersforethicalcare.com/podcast PFEC video series: partnersforethicalcare.com/commonsense-care Stories: partnersforethicalcare.com/stories Desist, Detrans, &, Detox book: partnersforethicalcare.com/desist-detrans-detox Great videos about various transgender topics: familywatch.org/transgenderissues (check out Erin’s story) Child and Parental Rights Campaign: childparentrights.org/lawyers Excellent school resource guide from Child and Parental Rights Campaign: childparentrights.org/school-resource-guide ACPeds &, Ruth Institute Trans Pamphlet: transregret.com Ruth Institute’s Transgender Resource Center: ruthinstitute.org/resource-center/transgender Compassion Coalition on Facebook: facebook.com/groups/507342576879277
The UN Sexual Education is Insane
Sharon Slater is the president of Family Watch International (FWI) and the chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus. She is a consultant to multiple UN Member States on issues of life, human sexuality, and family policy and the author of the book Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere, also known as the “Family Defense Handbook.” Sharon also serves on the board of directors of No Left Turn in Education and on the board of the Political Network for Values, a global platform and resource for legislators and politicians across the globe defending human life, marriage, family, religious freedom and conscience. Sharon co-chairs the U.S.-based Protect Child Health Coalition (ProtectChildHealth.org). Sharon has directed multiple widely acclaimed documentaries including “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda,” “Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda,” and “Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Impact on Marriage, Children and Families.” She is currently the executive director of a series of videos on transgender issues (see at familywatch.org/transgenderissues/). She and her husband Greg reside in Arizona and have seven children (three of whom are siblings adopted from Mozambique) and twelve grandchildren. Resources Family Watch International: familywatch.org Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda at fwipetitions.org upcoming FWI webinars at familywatch.org/webinars U.N. Family Rights Caucus: unfamilyrightscaucus.org Protect Child Health Coalition: protectchildhealth.org Stop CSE: StopCSE.org Transgender Issues: TransgenderIssues.org What the studies REALLY say: SexEdReport.org
We Need to Look At What Happens to Society After Abortion
Eric Scheidler is the executive director of the Pro-Life Action League, founded in 1980 by his father, veteran pro-life leader Joe Scheidler. The League recruits, equips and trains pro-life Americans to put their convictions into action at the grassroots level through peaceful direct action. Under Eric’s leadership, the League’s headquarters city of Chicago has become “ground zero” for pro-life activism nationally. Take part in the Pro-Life Action League’s event on Good Friday, April 2, the Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion. This is an annual nationwide prayer vigil and a "springtime rebirth", of the national public witness against abortion as the pandemic recedes. Readings &, Resources Pro-Life Action League: prolifeaction.org Joe Scheidler’s memoir, Racketeer for Life: Fighting the Culture of Death from the Sidewalk to the Supreme Court at shop.prolifeaction.org handbook: Sharing the Pro-Life Message at shop.prolifeaction.org Dr J Shows on the sanctity of human life: Youtube playlist